Simulation of Resistively and Capacitively Shunted Josephson junction array.

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Simulation of Resistively and Capacitively Shunted Josephson junction array.


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For plotting the program xmgr is recommended. The new version, xmgrace, may also work. Instructrions for how to install are found here.

Get started

mkdir snspd
cd snspd
git clone https://github.com/jlidmar/RCSJ.git src

cd src
make install

cd run

nice ./xiv &


sbatch -t 60 -a 1 slurm r xxiv


./show .

./plot-V < V > VV ; xmgr VV

Or for photon detection:

nice ./xphoton && ./plot-V < V > VV ; xmgr VV &


Josephson junction array


Total current through a junction between $x$ and $x+1$

$$ I_x^\text{tot} = C (\dot{V}{x} - \dot{V}{x+1}) + I_c \sin(\theta_{x}-\theta_{x+1}) + I_R $$

where $I_R$ is the quasiparticle tunneling current represented by a nonlinear resistance

$$ I_R = \begin{cases} (V_{x} - V_{x+1})/R + I_n, & \text{if} ;|V_{x} - V_{x+1}| > V_g \\ (V_{x} - V_{x+1})/R_{qp} + I^{qp}_n , & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\ \left\langle I_n\right\rangle = 0, \quad \left\langle I_n(t)I_n(t')\right\rangle = \frac {2 k_B T} R \delta(t-t'). $$

and similarly for $I^{qp}n$. Here the quasiparticle resistance $R{qp} \approx R e^{2\Delta/k_B T} \gg R.$

Josephson AC effect

$$ V_x = \frac{\hbar \dot \theta_x}{2e} $$

Kirshoffs law

$$ C_0 \dot V_x = I^\text{tot}_{x-1} - I^\text{tot}_x $$

Boundary conditions

Left input: With current bias

$$I_0 = I_b - I_\text{shunt},$$

or with voltage bias $U$:

$$ I_0 = (U - V_1)/R_\text{term} + I_n - I_\text{shunt}, \qquad \left\langle I_n\right\rangle = 0, \quad \left\langle I_n(t)I_n(t')\right\rangle = \frac {2 k_B T} {R_\text{term}} \delta(t-t') $$

where $I_\text{shunt} = V_1/R_\text{shunt} + I_{n,\text{shunt}}$.

Right terminal: Direct connection to ground, $V_N = \theta_N = 0$.


  • $I_c$ - Critical current
  • $R$ - Shunt resistance. Nonlinear, only if $|V_{x} - V_{x+1}| &gt; V_g$.
  • $R_{qp}$ - Quasiparticle resistance if > 0.
  • $V_{\text{gap}}$ - Gap voltage $V_g = 2\Delta / e$.
  • $C$ - Shunt capacitance
  • $C_0$ - Capacitance to ground.
  • $R_{\text{term}}$ - Series resistance at input
  • $R_{\text{shunt}}$ - Shunt to ground at input
  • $C_{\text{term}}$ - Capacitance to ground at input
  • $dt$ - Time step.

Time scales

In the array:

  • $\tau_{RC} = RC$
  • $\tau_{L/R} = L_K/R$
  • $\tau_{LC} = 1/\sqrt{L_K C} = \sqrt{\tau_{RC} \tau_{L/R}}$

where $L_K(I) = \frac \hbar {2e \sqrt{I_c^2 - I_s^2}} \approx \frac \hbar {2e \sqrt{I_c^2 - I_b^2}}$ is the kinetic inductance (per junction). We set $L_K = L_K(0) = \frac \hbar {2e I_c}$.

At the input:

  • $R_\text{tot} C_\text{term}$, where $R_\text{tot}^{-1} = R_\text{term}^{-1} + R_\text{shunt}^{-1}$.
  • $L_\text{tot} / R_\text{tot}$, where $L_\text{tot} = N L_K + L_\text{ext}$.

"Quality factor" $Q^2 = \beta = \tau_{RC}/\tau_{L/R} = RC / (L_K/R) = R^2 C / L_K$.

Mooij-Schön velocity $1/\sqrt{L_K C_0}$ per junction.

Array characteristic impedance $Z_0 = \sqrt{L_K/C_0}$.

Total normal state resistance of array $N R$

Dimensionless units

Measure time in units of $L_K/R$ and currents in units of $I_c$, where $L_K = \hbar / 2e I_c = \Phi_0 / 2\pi I_c$ is the kinetic inductance at zero bias.

The dimensionless voltage becomes $v_x = V_x (L_K/R) (2\pi / {\Phi_0}) = V_x / R I_c = \dot \theta$, where the dot now indicates the time derivative wrt the rescaled time $t/\tau_{L/R}$.

The dimensionless current $i_x = I_x^\text{tot}/I_c$ becomes

$$ i_x = Q^2 (\dot{v}{x} - \dot{v}{x+1}) + \sin(\theta_{x}-\theta_{x+1}) + i_R, \ Q^2 = R^2 C/ L \ i_R = \begin{cases} (v_{x} - v_{x+1}) + i_n, & \text{if} ;|v_{x} - v_{x+1}| < v_g = V_g/RI_c \ (v_{x} - v_{x+1})/r_{qp} + i^{qp}_n , & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \ \left\langle i_n\right\rangle = 0, \quad \left\langle i_n(t)i_n(t')\right\rangle = \frac {2 k_B T} {RI_c^2} \frac{R}{L_K}\delta(t-t') = \frac {2 k_B T} {L_K I_c^2}\delta(t-t') = \frac {2 k_B T} {E_J} \delta(t-t'). $$

where $E_J = L_K I_c^2 = \hbar I_c/2e = (\Delta/2) (R_Q/ R)$ is the Josephson energy, and $R_Q = h/(2e)^2 \approx 6.45 , k\Omega$ the resistance quantum.

Resistance is measured in units of $R$.

The dimensionless quasiparticle resistance is $r_{qp} = R_{qp}/R \approx \sqrt{k_B T/2\pi \Delta} e^{\Delta / k_B T} \approx \sqrt{T / 2\pi T_c} e^{2 T_c / T} \gg 1$.

The dimensionless impedance is $Z_0 / R = \sqrt{L_K/R^2 C_0} = \lambda/Q$.

The RC and L/R times are $\tau_{RC} = Q^2$ and $\tau_{L/R} = 1$, respectively.

The velocity of the Mooij-Schön mode is $L_K / R/\sqrt{L_K C_0} = \sqrt{L_K/C_0 R^2} = \lambda / Q = Z_0 / R$ junctions / dimensionless time, where $\lambda = \sqrt{C/C_0}$ is the charge screening length (in units of $\xi$).

In dimensionless units we can therefore set

: Ic = 1
: R  = 1
: Rqp = ?
: C  = Q^2
: C0 = Q^2 / lambda^2
: Rterm = Rterm / R
: Rshunt = Rshunt / R
: Cterm  = Q^2 Cterm / C
: T = k_B T / E_J = k_B T / L_K Ic^2
: Vgap = v_g = 2Delta/e R Ic = 4/pi or slightly less, maybe 1.

Note that $I_c$, $NR$, and $Z_0$ should be easy to determine experimentally.

Then $Q/\lambda = (R/Z_0)$, so we can set the dimensionless $C_0 = (R/Z_0)^2$

The velocity is $c_0 = Z_0 / R$ junctions / time unit. In dimensionfull units it is $1/\sqrt{L_K'C_0'} = (Z_0/L_K) \xi= \xi/Z_0 C_0$.

Possibly one can read off the sum gap voltage $N V_g = N 2 \Delta/e$ from an IV curve? From the litterature we know $\Delta$, and then we may estimate $N$?

Microscopically, for Josephson juncions

Using the Ambegaokar-Baratoff relation $I_c = \frac{\pi \Delta}{2 e R} \tanh \frac \Delta {2k_BT}$.

The gap voltage $V_g = 2\Delta / e ; \Rightarrow , v_g = 2\Delta / e I_c R = 4 / \pi \tanh (\Delta/2k_B T)$.

Kinetic inductance $L_K(i) = \hbar/2eI_c \sqrt{1-i_b^2} = R \hbar / \pi \Delta \sqrt{1-i_b^2}\tanh(\Delta/2k_BT)$

Assuming $T \lesssim 0.4 T_c$, we take $\Delta(T) \approx \Delta_0$ and $\tanh(\Delta/2k_B T) \approx 1$.

Superconducting nanowires

Discretize using a lattice constant $\approx \xi =$ the superconducting coherence length.

Note that in the discrete model the kinetic inductance is $L_K(i) = \hbar / 2e \sqrt{I_c^2 - I_b^2} = L_K(0) / \sqrt{1-i_b^2}$ is larger than $L_K \equiv L_K(0)$, especially close to the critical current. For a continuous superconducting nanowire we similarly expect from GL that the supercurrent density obeys

$$ J_s = 2e n_s (1 - (v/v_0)^2) v $$

and therefore that $L_K$ increase near $I_c$.

Depairing current

London limit depairing current density: $J_d = H_c/\lambda_L = \Phi_0/2\pi \mu_0 \lambda_L^2 \xi$, where $2 e n_s = 1/\mu_0 \lambda_L^2$. The corresponding $I_c = J_d s = \Phi_0 / 2\pi L_K = \hbar / 2e L_K$ (as above!).

GL depairing current density differs by a numerical factor: $J_d = \Phi_0/ 3 \sqrt 3 \pi \mu_0 \lambda_L^2 \xi$.

Up to a numerical factor of order one these relations agree with $J_d = \sigma \frac {2\Delta} {e \xi} ; \Rightarrow ; I_c = V_g/R$.


The shunt resistors in the model describe the dissipation caused by quasiparticles in a two fluid model of superconductivity. At low temperatures the density of quasiparticles is strongly suppressed, $n_{qp}(T) = n e^{-\Delta / k_B T} \ll n$, which motivates using a nonlinear shunt resistor in the model. For small currents or eqivallently $|V_{x}-V_{x+1}| &lt; V_g = 2 \Delta/ e$ we thus ignore their contribution, while for $|V_{x}-V_{x+1}| &gt; V_g$ we assume that the quasiparticle current is ohmic with resistance $R$.

This suggests that the model should be applicable also for continous wires. A possible refinement would be to include a subgap resistance.

Microscopic model of nanowire

(See Golubev, D. and Zaikin, A. (2001) Quantum tunneling of the order parameter in superconducting nanowires, Physical Review B 64, 014504. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.014504.)

Cross section $s$.

Kinetic inductance per length

$$L_K' = \frac {L_K}{\xi} = \frac \hbar {\pi \sigma s \Delta}$$

Capacitance (to ground) per length

$$ C_0' = \frac {C_0} \xi $$

Parallel capacitance times length

$$ C' = C \xi = \pi \sigma s \hbar/ 8 \Delta $$

Resistance per length

$$ R' = R/\xi $$

(Note the consistency with the corresponding relations for Josephson junction arrays: $L_K = \hbar R / \pi \Delta$.)

Time scales

$$ \tau_{RC} = R C = R' C' = \frac{\pi}{4} \frac{\hbar}{2\Delta} \[1em] \tau_{L/R} = L_K/R = L_K'/R' = \frac{2}{\pi} \frac{\hbar}{2\Delta} \[1em] \tau_{LC} = \sqrt{LC} = \sqrt{\tau_{RC} \tau_{L/R}} = \frac 1 {\sqrt 2} \frac \hbar {2\Delta} $$

The quality factor is

$$ Q^2 = \frac{R'^2 C'}{L_K'} = \frac{R^2 C}{L_K} = \frac{\tau_{RC}}{\tau_{L/R}} = \frac{\pi^2}{8} \approx 1.2337 $$

(Note: The $Q$ is not really a quality factor since the resistance is nonlinear!)
Still its value is interesting: It is neither large nor small.

Velocity of the Mooij-Schön mode $c_0 = 1/\sqrt{L'C_0'} = \sqrt{\pi\sigma s \Delta / \hbar C_0'}$ in m/s.

Charge screening length $\lambda = \sqrt{C' / C_0'} = \sqrt{C / C_0} \xi = \sqrt{\pi\sigma s \hbar / 8 \Delta C_0'}$

$\lambda / c_0 = \sqrt{L'C'} = \tau_{LC}$

Characteristic impedance $Z_0 = \sqrt{L_K'/C_0'} = \sqrt{\hbar/\pi\sigma s \Delta C_0'}$.

Natural to assume a critical current density $J_c = \sigma V_g / \xi = \sigma 2\Delta/e \xi$. This then gives a critical current

$$I_c = J_c s = V_g/ R' \xi = V_g / R = 2\Delta / e R .$$

Note that this is consistent with the relation $L_K = \hbar / 2e I_c \approx \hbar R/ 4\Delta = \xi \hbar /4 \sigma s \Delta$ up to a factor $\pi /4$.

Photon detection events

When a photon arrives at the nanowire this is modeled as a suppression of the local critical current and the gap voltage of a particular junction $x$,

$$ \frac{I_c(x,\delta t)}{I_c(x,0)} = \frac{V_\text{gap}(x,\delta t)}{V_\text{gap}(x,0)} = \begin{cases} 1 - \delta t / \tau_\text{supr}, & 0 < \delta t \leq \tau_\text{supr} \\ 1 - \exp(-[\delta t - \tau_\text{supr}]/ \tau_\text{recov}), & 0 < \delta t - \tau_\text{supr} \leq 10 \tau_\text{recov} \end{cases} $$

where $\delta t$ is the time since the photon reached the detector.

In the input file this is set using

: photon = x tau_supr tau_recov photon_time_interval