
A collection of tools designed for raiding discord servers and accounts. https://github.com/the-cult-of-integral/discord-raidkit (Fixed)

Primary LanguagePython

Discord Raidkit

Discord Raidkit v2.3.4 image

What is Discord Raidkit?

Discord Raidkit is a compilation of useful tools to help you raid discord servers and hack discord accounts. What sets Discord Raidkit apart from other similar projects is its emphasis on social engineering — Discord Raidkit is the raidkit for anyone looking to convince servers to add bots.

Why choose Discord Raidkit over similar programs?

There are several reasons to choose Discord raidkit over similar programs:

  • Unlike many raiders, Discord Raidkit is free and open-source.
  • Unlike many raiders, Discord Raidkit comes with fully functional, non-malicious commands to further aid in social engineering.
  • Unlike many raiders, Discord Raidkit is professionally written for performance, running far faster than some other programs.

What tools are included in Discord Raidkit?

  • Anubis is a moderation bot that comes with genuine server management commands and some utility commands, like bans and timeouts. Keep note of this when attempting to convince a moderation team to add the bot. Hidden malicious commands can be accessed by the bot owner only (typically you) once added.

  • Qetesh is a fully functional porn bot with over 10,000 images, channel management, and 25 commands. Qetesh is an easy bot to add to most NSFW servers, as many will blindly add whatever porn bot is requested by their members. Like Anubis, hidden malicious commands can be accessed by the bot owner only once added.

  • Osiris is a user authentication token handler. With Osiris, you can generate token grabbers that have been adapted to embed themselves within Windows registries, look up information about a token such as the email address and phone number attatched to it, fill up the users server count and mess with their settings, as well as log into an account with just one selenium script. To use Osiris, you must include this browser folder - put it in the same directory as main.py


  • Visit the releases page and download the latest version.

  • Run the install_requirements script for your operating system.

  • Run main.py to start the program.

/!\ This project requires Python 3.10.0+ — install at python.org — /!\ When installing Python, check "Add to PATH"!

Anubis / Qetesh — Hidden Commands Summary

Command Aliases Parameters Brief Description
nick_all nick, nickall nickname nickname ever user in a server to nickname
msg_all msg, msgall message send message as a DM to every user in a server
spam --- message send message to every text channel in a server, repeatedly
cpurge --- --- delete every channel in a server
cflood --- amount, name create amount number of text channels named name in a server
raid --- role name, nickname, amount, name, message create and give every user in a server a role named role name, nickname every user in a server to nickname, delete every channel in a server, create amount number of text channels named name in a server, and then send message to every text channel in a server, repeatedly.
admin --- member, role name grant member in a server an all-permissions role named role name
nuke --- --- ban all members from a server, delete every channel in a server, delete every role in a server, delete every emoji in a server, delete every sticker from a server, revoke every invite from a server, then edit a server's name, description, icons, community setting, notifications, verification level, content filter, premium bar and preferred locale
mass_nuke massnuke, nuke_all, nukeall --- perform the nuke command on every server the bot is in, one by one
leave --- --- leave a server
mass_leave massleave, leave_all, leaveall --- leave every server

Known Issues (v2.3.4)

  • None.

Upcoming Releases

v.2.4.0 — Not yet planned. . .

Repository Milestones

  • 10 stars. ✅
  • 50 stars. ✅
  • 100 stars. ✅
  • 250 stars. ✅
  • 500 stars. ❌
  • 1000 stars. ❌

Views (as of 24/09/2022)