- 0
Find best version of R-CMD-check.yaml
#54 opened by hsonne - 1
- 1
Check error in downloading a specific file
#50 opened by hsonne - 0
Remove warnings from read_binary_radolan_file()
#49 opened by hsonne - 0
- 2
Request for adaptation to binary file read
#47 opened by LukasGue - 1
- 4
- 1
Have a look at package GADMTools
#30 opened by hsonne - 4
- 0
read_monthly_data_over_shape(): Error in .rasterObjectFromFile in case of `air_temperature_mean`
#41 opened by mrustl - 1
- 1
Add "transform_radolan_binary_to_rst()" to kwb-dwd
#7 opened by wseis - 1
- 2
- 1
Function renaming required
#24 opened by LukasGue - 0
- 0
Add vignettes as tutorial
#2 opened by mrustl - 0
- 1
kwb.dwd::opendata_files() function missing
#11 opened by mrustl - 2
Error in read_binary_radolan_file_raw_v3()
#9 opened by hsonne - 1
Error in read_binary_radolan_file with new url
#10 opened by wseis - 3
- 1
DESCRIPTION: be more detailed
#3 opened by mrustl - 1
Manually enable: backup (gitlab), CI (travis, appveyor) and DOI for each release (zenodo)
#1 opened by mrustl