
A Meme Generator that that accepts image input from a user through a link or drag & drop upload. The uploaded image is rendered to the HTML canvas where a user can add text to the image. The user can also download the meme.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meme Generator

Decided to have some fun with Vanilla Javascript by creating a Meme Generator. The web app accepts image input from a user through a link or as an upload from the user's device via drag & drop. The uploaded image is then rendered on the screen to the HTML canvas where a user can add text to the top & bottom of the image. There is also a download functionality, so the user can download the created meme locally.

The web app currently has some CORS issues when certain kinds of links are inputted, I'm trying to find a way to fix this. Apart from that, the web app is pretty functional. I plan to include share buttons so that users can share their meme creations on social media for example.

🔗 Links

Live Demo

Drag & Drop

Link Input
