
Boilerpipe 1.2 port for .NET

Primary LanguageC#

NBoilerpipe is a C# port of boilerpipe 1.2 (http://code.google.com/p/boilerpipe/) library. Most of the code is converted with the Sharpen tool (https://github.com/slluis/sharpen). The code uses the Sharpen libary (with modification) from NGit project (https://github.com/slluis/ngit) and HmtlAgilityPack (http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/).

NBoilerpipe is only been tested with Mono.


using NBoilerpipe.Extractors;
String html = GetHtmlText();
var text = ArticleExtractor.INSTANCE.GetText (html);
//var text = DefaultExtractor.INSTANCE.GetText (html);