
Easy root for MTK devices

Primary LanguageBatchfile

What is this?

Root for devices containing MTK SoC

Hardware required?

Any MTK device (may need to contain user2root hidden app, not tested on others without it)

How to use this?

Connect your device (be sure to have drivers installed) and launch main.bat

How does this work?

After decompiling MTK's user2root app in my phone, I found out it issues some shell commands to enable root on ADB interface

So, I plugged my phone to my computer and issued the command:

adb shell setprop ro.secure 0

In my phone, I disabled USB debugging and turned it back on, and finally:

platform-tools> adb shell
root@android:/ #

It worked! Shell was running as root:

root@android:/ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:init_shell:s0

So, if you want to experiment with the basics of the code, go ahead and try it.