This repo contains a mirror of the files from http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ . The reason for this mirror is, that sometimes the download links on the site doesn't work and download of the files get stuck for several minutes.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repo contains a mirror of the files from http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ . See that website for more details of MNIST.

The reason for this mirror is, that sometimes the download links on the site doesn't work and download of the files get stuck for several minutes. But this only happens with wget and only on some computers. With curl it was always possible to download the files.

To download the files inside of a script, you can use the following links:

  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgnt/mnist/master/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgnt/mnist/master/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgnt/mnist/master/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgnt/mnist/master/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz

and in the following you can find download code for python (original came from https://cntk.ai/pythondocs/CNTK_103A_MNIST_DataLoader.html):

def get_mnist():
    # The code to download the mnist data original came from
    # https://cntk.ai/pythondocs/CNTK_103A_MNIST_DataLoader.html
    import gzip
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import struct

    from urllib.request import urlretrieve 

    def load_data(src, num_samples):
        print("Downloading " + src)
        gzfname, h = urlretrieve(src, "./delete.me")
            with gzip.open(gzfname) as gz:
                n = struct.unpack("I", gz.read(4))
                # Read magic number.
                if n[0] != 0x3080000:
                    raise Exception("Invalid file: unexpected magic number.")
                # Read number of entries.
                n = struct.unpack(">I", gz.read(4))[0]
                if n != num_samples:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Invalid file: expected {0} entries.".format(num_samples)
                crow = struct.unpack(">I", gz.read(4))[0]
                ccol = struct.unpack(">I", gz.read(4))[0]
                if crow != 28 or ccol != 28:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Invalid file: expected 28 rows/cols per image."
                # Read data.
                res = np.frombuffer(
                    gz.read(num_samples * crow * ccol), dtype=np.uint8
        return res.reshape((num_samples, crow, ccol)) / 256

    def load_labels(src, num_samples):
        print("Downloading " + src)
        gzfname, h = urlretrieve(src, "./delete.me")
            with gzip.open(gzfname) as gz:
                n = struct.unpack("I", gz.read(4))
                # Read magic number.
                if n[0] != 0x1080000:
                    raise Exception("Invalid file: unexpected magic number.")
                # Read number of entries.
                n = struct.unpack(">I", gz.read(4))
                if n[0] != num_samples:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Invalid file: expected {0} rows.".format(num_samples)
                # Read labels.
                res = np.frombuffer(gz.read(num_samples), dtype=np.uint8)
        return res.reshape((num_samples))

    def try_download(data_source, label_source, num_samples):
        data = load_data(data_source, num_samples)
        labels = load_labels(label_source, num_samples)
        return data, labels
    # Not sure why, but yann lecun's website does no longer support 
    # simple downloader. (e.g. urlretrieve and wget fail, while curl work)
    # Since not everyone has linux, use a mirror from uni server.
    #     server = 'http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist'
    server = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fgnt/mnist/master'
    # URLs for the train image and label data
    url_train_image = f'{server}/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'
    url_train_labels = f'{server}/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'
    num_train_samples = 60000

    print("Downloading train data")
    train_features, train_labels = try_download(url_train_image, url_train_labels, num_train_samples)

    # URLs for the test image and label data
    url_test_image = f'{server}/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'
    url_test_labels = f'{server}/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'
    num_test_samples = 10000

    print("Downloading test data")
    test_features, test_labels = try_download(url_test_image, url_test_labels, num_test_samples)
    return train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels