
This is a simple Python GUI application that allows you to roll dice of various types and calculate the total value, including modifiers. The application is built using the customtkinter library for customizing the appearance.


Choose from a variety of dice types: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100. Specify the number of dice to roll and any modifiers. View the results of each roll and the total value in a text box.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to run the Dice Roller App on your local machine:

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/dice-roller-app.git

pip install customtkinter pip install random

cd dice-roller-app

python dice_roller.py

How to Use

Choose the type of dice from the dropdown menu (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100).

Enter the number of dice you want to roll in the "How many Dice are you rolling" field.

Enter any modifiers in the "Modifiers" field. If there are no modifiers, leave it as 0.

Click the "Roll The Dice !!!!" button to roll the dice.

The results of each roll will be displayed in the text box below, along with the total value after applying modifiers.

You can continue to roll dice by changing the type, quantity, or modifiers and clicking the button again.


Let's say you want to roll 3 D6 dice with a +2 modifier:

Choose "D6" from the dropdown menu. Enter "3" in the "How many Dice are you rolling" field. Enter "2" in the "Modifiers" field. Click the "Roll The Dice !!!!" button. The application will display the results of each roll and the total value, including the modifier.


This application was created using the customtkinter library for customizing the appearance of tkinter widgets. Feel free to contribute, report issues, or provide feedback to improve this application. Enjoy rolling the dice!