Supabase adds realtime and RESTful APIs to your existing PostgreSQL database without a single line of code.
- Alpha: We are testing Supabase with a closed set of customers
- Public Alpha: Anyone can sign up over at But go easy on us, there are a few kinks.
- Public Beta: Stable enough for most non-enterprise use-cases
- Public: Production-ready
We are currently in Public Alpha. Watch "releases" of this repo to get notified of major updates.
- Supabase Realtime: Listen to your to PostgreSQL database in realtime via websockets. Built with Elixir.
- Supabase Postgres: Unmodified Postgres with some useful plugins.
- @supabase/postgrest-js: Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
- @supabase/doctest-js: Run JSDoc style doc examples as tests within your test suite.