
This repo is for qcri interns to put in all the little snippets on information that they can store and pass it onto other interns to make their life easier.

QCRI Interns Cheat Sheet

This document is to put your little snippets on information that you learnt during the course of the internship that you feel would be beneficial to others or to the inters who would be coming next year.

Some examples would be:

  • How to install python or pip on the server without sudo access?
  • How to get up and running with a docker container?
  • and more ...

Tutorials Available

  1. How to ssh to your server?
  2. How to connect VS-Code to the QCRI server?
  3. How to install Python without Sudo access?
  4. How to install Pip without Sudo access?

Upcoming Tutorials

  1. How to make a docker container on the QCRI server?
  2. How to sign into github on the server?
  3. How to see which ports are open on the server?
  4. How to see which docker user group you belong to on the server?
  5. Some recommended VS Code extensions to use.
  6. Some essential terminal commands.
  7. How to customize your terminal.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute to this repo,

  • Fork it to your own GitHub account
  • Make the changes
  • Create a pull request to the main repo. Please note to make your pull requests readable and understandable; dont make the title something obscure (These PR's will not be accepted).
  • And one of the maintainers will review your request and accept it.

Thank you.