
Better prompt interface for nodejs when a new line is added and the input is active

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Better prompt interface when a new line is added when input is active

Features :

  • Readline always available ;
  • Support for debug module with myRL._debugModuleSupport(require('debug')) ;
  • Commands history ;
  • Autocompletition ;
  • No split between input & output ;
  • Password mode to hide input (try 'pwd' command), more effect here ;
  • You can eval command or javascript function like browser.

Screenshot :

demo with debug

See more :

Quick start

Support Windows/Linux/(Mac?) and node >=10 (for oldest version see below)

Install serverline

npm install serverline

Example /server/bin/index.js:


const myRL = require('serverline')

myRL.setCompletion(['help', 'command1', 'command2', 'login', 'check', 'ping'])

myRL.setPrompt('> ')

myRL.on('line', function(line) {
  console.log('cmd:', line)
  switch (line) {
    case 'help':
      console.log('help: To get this message.')
    case 'pwd':
      console.log('toggle muted', !myRL.isMuted())
      myRL.setMuted(!myRL.isMuted(), '> [hidden]')
      return true
    case 'secret':
      return myRL.secret('secret:', function() {

  if (myRL.isMuted())

myRL.on('SIGINT', function(rl) {
  rl.question('Confirm exit: ', (answer) => answer.match(/^y(es)?$/i) ? process.exit(0) : rl.output.write('\x1B[1K> '))

function displayFakeLog() {
  let i = 0
  setInterval(function() {
    const num = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + 1
    console.log(i + ' ' + num() + '.' + num() + '.' + num() + ' user connected.')
  }, 700)

Eval javascript command (like browser console) :

myRL.on('line', function(line) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {

Looking for old support ?

See node > 9.5 and oldest version

Support for external module


process.env.DEBUG = '*'
const debug = require('debug')('server::info')

const myRL = require('serverline')


myRL.setPrompt('> ')

function displayFakeLog() {
  let i = 0
  setInterval(function() {
    const num = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 255) + 1
    debug(i + ' ' + num() + '.' + num() + '.' + num() + ' user connected.')
  }, 700)




  • options (Object | String if is String the value will be set to options.prompt):
    • prompt (String, default: '> '): Set the prompt that will be written to output.
    • ignoreErrors (Boolean, default: true): Ignore errors when writing to the underlying streams. By default Console instance is on silent mode, it will catch error without print anything (in dev mode, set to false).
    • colorMode (Boolean | String, default: 'auto'): Set color support for the Console instance, enable color with true Read more.
    • inspectOptions Object: Specifies options that are passed along to util.inspect().
    • forceTerminalContext (Boolean, default: false): Force node to use stdin like a real terminal. This setting is usefull if you redirect the output (with npm start > file.txt, npm start | tee file.txt, child_process, ...).

Start serverline's readline.

const myRL = require('serverline')


Serverline.secret(query, callback)

  • query String: A statement or query to write to output, prepended to the prompt.
  • callback Function: A callback function that is invoked with the user's input in response to the query.

Display the query by writing it to the output, waits for user input to be provided on input and press ENTER, then invokes the callback function passing the provided input as the first argument.

The input will be hidden with [-=] and [=-].


myRL.secret('secret:', function() {
// output :
// secret:[-=]

Serverline.question(query, callback)

  • query String: A statement or query to write to output, prepended to the prompt.
  • callback Function: A callback function that is invoked with the user's input in response to the query.

Display the query by writing it to the output, waits for user input to be provided on input and press ENTER, then invokes the callback function passing the provided input as the first argument.

Node doc


myRL.question('What is your favorite food? ', (answer) => {
  console.log(`Oh, so your favorite food is ${answer}.`)


  • Returns String: Gets the current prompt that is written to output


  • strPrompt String: Sets the prompt that will be written to output


  • Returns Boolean: True if the input is hidden

Serverline.setMuted(enabled, strPrompt)

  • enabled Boolean: Enable/Disable
  • strPrompt String: Sets the prompt that will be written to output

Enable hidden input:

console.log('toggle muted', !myRL.isMuted())
myRL.setMuted(true, '> [hidden]')
// output :
// > [hidden][-=]

Disable hidden input:

disable : myRL.setMuted(false)


  • obj Array[String]: Strings/commands displayed in autocompletion.

If you want use your own completion function use (see below an example): myRL.on('completer', completerFunction).



myRL.setCompletion(['help', 'command1', 'command2', 'login', 'check', 'ping'])


  • Returns Array[String]: List of commands

Get History.


  • Returns Array[String]: List of commands

Rewrite history.


  • Returns: An Object with stdout and stderr used by serverline.

Use Serverline.getCollection().stdout.write('msg\n') can be usefull if you don't want to use console.log('msg'). Serverline.getCollection().stdout is different of process.stdout. Prefere to use Serverline.getCollection().stdout.write('msg\n') instead process.stdout.write('msg\n') because if you use process.stdout.write, you will get some prompt displays bugs.


We recommand to use Serverline.<function>() function instead Serverline.getRL().<function>().


Close the readline.Interface instance and relinquishe control over the input and output streams. When called, the 'close' event will be emitted.

Calling rl.close() does not immediately stop other events (including 'line') from being emitted.

Node doc


Pause the input stream, allowing it to be resumed later if necessary.

Calling .pause() does not immediately pause other events (including 'line') from being emitted.

Node doc


Resume the input stream if it has been paused.

Node doc

Serverline.on(eventName, listener)

  • eventName (String | Symbol): The name of the event
  • listener Function: The callback function

Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of eventName and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times. Read more

Serverline/Rewrited events :

  • Event: 'line'
  • Event: 'SIGINT'
  • Event: 'completer'

Navtive Readline events :

  • Event: 'close'
  • Event: 'pause'
  • Event: 'resume'
  • Event: 'SIGCONT'
  • Event: 'SIGTSTP'

Event: 'line'

The 'line' event is emitted whenever the input stream receives an end-of-line input (\n, \r, or \r\n). This usually occurs when the user presses the <Enter>, or <Return> keys.

The listener function is called with a string containing the single line of received input.

  prompt: '> '

myRL.on('line', function(line) {
  console.log('cmd:', line)
  if (line == 'help') {
    console.log('help: To get this message.')

Event: 'SIGINT'

The 'SIGINT' event is emitted whenever the input stream receives a <ctrl>-C input, known typically as SIGINT. If there are no 'SIGINT' event listeners registered when the input stream receives a SIGINT, the 'pause' event will be emitted.

The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments.

myRL.on('SIGINT', function(rl) {
  rl.question('Confirm exit: ', (answer) => answer.match(/^y(es)?$/i) ? process.exit(0) : rl.output.write('\x1B[1K> '))

Node doc

Event: 'completer'

  • arg (Object = { line, hits})
    • line String: current line
    • hits Array[String]: all completion will be displayed

You can make a better completer with dynamic values :

const myRL = require('serverline')

  prompt: '> '

myRL.setCompletion(['.backup', '.forceupdate', '.open', '.compare', '.rename', '.sandbox'])
myRL.on('completer', function(arg) {
    if (arg.hits.length == 1) {
        arg.line = arg.hits[0]

    arg.hits = completerId('.backup ', arg.line, arg.hits)
    arg.hits = completerId('.forceupdate ', arg.line, arg.hits)
    arg.hits = completerId('.open ', arg.line, arg.hits)
    arg.hits = completerId('.compare ', arg.line, arg.hits)
    arg.hits = completerId('.rename ', arg.line, arg.hits)
    arg.hits = completerId('.sandbox ', arg.line, arg.hits)

const user_id = [1, 2, 3, 4]
function completerId(cmd, line, hits, verify) {
    var verify = (verify) ? verify : function(id, index) {
        return true

    var t = [cmd]
    if (line.indexOf(cmd) == 0) {
        user_id.forEach(function(id, index) {
            if (!verify(id, index)) {
            t.push(cmd + id)
        hits = t.filter(function(c) {
            return c.indexOf(line) == 0
        if (hits.length == 0) {
            hits = t
    return hits


> .back
.backup, .forceupdate, .open, .compare, .rename, .sandbox
> .backup
.backup, .backup 1, .backup 2, .backup 3, .backup 4

Event: 'close'

Node doc

myRL.on('close', function(line) {

Event: 'pause'

Node doc

myRL.on('pause', function(line) {

Event: 'resume'

Node doc

myRL.on('resume', function(line) {

Event: 'SIGCONT'

The 'SIGCONT' event is not supported on Windows.

Node doc

Event: 'SIGTSTP'

The 'SIGTSTP' event is not supported on Windows.

Node doc