
Game Design Document Fill up the following document

  1. Write the title of your project. The title of my project will be known as the Astronaut game

  2. What is the goal of the game? The goal of the game is for the astronaut to outrun the alien, battle the obstacle and reach the rocket safely

  3. Write a brief story of your game. An astronaut lands on an unknown planet and meets an alien, the alien starts chasing the astronaut forcing him to run and battle obstacles. These obstacles include astroids, a brownish red land that burns like lava, and trenches so that the astronaut may fall in. At last after finishing all of the obstacles, the astronaut reaches the rocket ship and sets of to another planet.

  4. Which are the playing characters of this game? ● Playing characters are the ones who respond to the user based on the input from the user. ● Cars, monkeys, dinos, wizards, etc., are the playing characters in the game. Number Character Name What can this character do? 1 Astronaut This character can run, jump, move and more.

  5. Which are the Non-Playing Characters of this game? ● Non-Playing characters are the ones that don't have an action or behavior when the user interacts with the game. ● Hurdles, stones, bananas, coins, etc., are non-playing characters in the game. Number Character Name What can this character do? 1 The Alien Chases the Astronaut 2 The Rocket ship Land and take off 3 Astroid Obstacle for astronaut 4 Lava land Obstacle for astronaut 5 Coins Collected by astronaut 6 Trenches Obstacle for astronaut 7 Floating Land Floats for astronaut to walk on

Draw your imagination of this game. What does this game look like? ● Draw the game either on your computer or on paper. ● Add images of the game scenes to show each of the playing and non-playing characters at least once. Visit assets = Astronautgamedesign.png

How do you plan to make your game engaging? I plan on making it engaging by adding more obstacles on the way and adding more characters so that the player can explore new worlds