CloudFormation Macro / Transform Examples
Below are some example CloudFormation Macros developed by Kablamo.
- API Gateway Macro - Adds standard Outputs to any CloudFormation template as well as specific ones for a SAM API deployment
- Aurora Plugin - A template-level transform that allows Aurora clusters (both the cluster resource and a number of instances) be provisioned from one custom type
- Auto-tagger Transform - Automatically assign a set of tag key-value pairs to all supported resources in the stack
- Brainfuck - A brainfuck interpreter for CloudFormation
- CloudFormation Ingest - Transform that ingests parameters, resources, outputs, etc from other CloudFormation templates
- Local Transform - A tool for running CloudFormation Macro style transformations outside of a CloudFormation ChangeSet
- Multi-Bucket Plugin - A template-level transform that allows a custom number of S3 Buckets be provisioned by prefix from one custom type
- Nested Resources - Reduces the reference complexity of CloudFormation templates by allowing single-use child resources to be embedded into parameter lists
- Protect My S3 Transform - A template-level transform that allows a custom number of S3 Buckets be provisioned by prefix from one custom type
- VPC Builder - Builds out a VPC, Flowlogs, Subnets, Routetables, NATGateways. Includes support for IPv6.