
An exciting RPG game about celestial beings; the red and blue dragons battling for the realm. The objective is for the red dragon to eat the yellow celestial dragon egg and stars.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



dragon-wars is a fun game about a battle taking place between giant celestial beings dragons in the volcano planet. The red player character dragon has to fly through and avoid the claws and talons. To read more about it, please check out the Game Design Document

Play Now

Click here

Different game screens

Menu Music options Top Scores
screenshot screenshot screenshot


  1. Enter player name so the game knows who is playing and will record your score


  1. Navigate with the arrows, Up, Left, Right and Down on your keyboard as your character to make the red dragon fly through a field of enemy blue dragons. If it touches the blue dragon, game over.


  1. Eat stars to get a high score by moving towards them. Each star increases layer score by 25 points. When you finish eating all the stars, more stars appear.


  1. By eating the celestial yellow dragon egg, you get 100 points; much more than each star's 25 points.

Game Characters

Red Dragon (Main Character)

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Blue Dragon (Villain)


Celestial Dragon Egg



screenshot screenshot screenshot

Built With

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Phaser 3 Gaming Framework

ES6 support through for a Modern JavaScript touch via Babel 7 and Webpack 5 that includes hot-reloading for development and production-ready builds. Loading images via JavaScript module import is also supported, although not recommended.


Node.js is required to install dependencies and run scripts via npm.


To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Gitbash installed to navigate between the branches.
  • A preferred text editor for example VS Code.
  • A browser such as Google Chrome


Clone this GitHub Repo to your computer on yourFolder by typing these commands in the terminal or download as a Zip file and extract.

Available Commands

Command Description
mkdir yourFolder Create a folder of your choice to store the project
cd yourFolder Change directory into that folder
git clone https://github.com/KabohaJeanMark/jersey-directory/tree/ft-main-page CLone and copy the project into that folder
npm install Install project dependencies
npm run start Build project and open web server running project automatically watching and building JS changes
npm run build Builds code bundle INTO THE dist folder with either production or development settings (minification, uglification, etc..) based on the webpack.config.js settings

Testing the app

Command Description
npm run test Runs unit tests on the different modules and functions within them


  • View with live Server in VS code or Right click and open the index.html in your browser to view.


👤 Kaboha Jean Mark

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to Microverse for the README template, instructions and tutoring for this JavaScript Capstone project.


  • Game of Thrones main title theme song by Ramin Djawadi.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.