COMP3059MDP Coursework 1 - MP3Player Report

Thrid-Party Libraries

  • me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter2:bindingcollectionadapter
  • me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter2:bindingcollectionadapter-recyclerview

Those two libiaries (under Apache License, can be found at were used to support the DataBinding from ViewModel with ObservableField to RecyclerView with collection of views, therefore possible to apply MVVM pattern in this coursework.


It seems that there's a bug in the Emulator running API 29 (arm64-v8) which causes the app to continue display in the "Recent Applications" even if already swiped out (it happens not only to my application, but also the system-built ones). This anomaly does not happen in the real device running API 29.