
The Coursework on Musk Sales Management System, Utilizing Bootstrap-JS on front-end and PHP on the back

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT




The website might even not allow user to login or sign up, if without loading of Google's API, please make sure both the server and your browser can successfully connect to Google services.


This coursework project is a Face Musk Sales Management System which will be adopted by Woolin Auto to make those process possible:

  • Allow customers to order face masks or cancel the orderings.
  • Allow sales representatives (reps) to check and operate his/her sales.
  • Allow the manager to perform admin tasks and check the sale statistics.

Zichen XU - hnyzx3@nottingham.edu.cn

Open Source Libraries
Database Initialization

The whole structure of the database can be initialized through databaseInit.sql under the main directory in the cslinux MySQL console, this will generate all enough structure, as well as Managers and Admins, but without any Customer or Sales Reps to be used. If for some reasons it requires username and password, try hnyzx3 as username and 20126507 as password.

The scripts below are a copy of databaseInit.sql


USE hnyzx3;


CREATE TABLE customer (
                          customerID BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
                          username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
                          password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
                          realname VARCHAR(255) NOT NUll,
                          passportID VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                          telephone VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                          region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                          email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE salesReps (
                           salesRepsID BIGINT NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
                           username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
                           password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
                           realname VARCHAR(255) NOT NUll,
                           employeeID VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                           telephone VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                           region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                           email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                           quotaUsed BIGINT NOT NULL,
                           quotaAll BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE manager (
                         managerID BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
                         username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
                         password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
                         realname VARCHAR(255),
                         email VARCHAR(255),
                         isAdmin BOOL NOT NULL

                        time DATETIME NOT NULL,
                        N95quantity BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        Surgicalquantity BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        SurgicalN95quantity BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        amount BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                        customerID BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        salesRepsID BIGINT NOT NULL,
                        status int NOT NULL,

                        CONSTRAINT fk_customerID FOREIGN KEY (customerID) REFERENCES customer(customerID),
                        CONSTRAINT fk_salesRepsID FOREIGN KEY (salesRepsID) REFERENCES salesReps(salesRepsID)

(null, 'manager', '6ee4a469cd4e91053847f5d3fcb61dbcc91e8f0ef10be7748da4c4a1ba382d17', 'Tim Cook', 'tcook@apple.com', false),
-- username: manager    password: manager
(null, 'sudo', '24e5e1c2bbef565360c392851175f46821fc21d6725503a600353625b4c9209c', 'God', 'god@outlook.com', true);
-- username: sudo    password: sudo

Test Demo

Functionality Flowchart

flow chart

Database Demo initialization

Please kindly refer to the readme.md under test folder.

-1.1: HTTP 503 Error

this page will show up when your connection to MySQL database is unstable or lost, or any other situations that are unrecoverable.

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0.1: Login
  • user can choose to login as Customer, Sales Reps or Manager.

  • the eye icon on the right of password form is for toggle visibility of input password.

  • all logins have to pass the Google reCAPTCHA to make sure you are a human :)

    (we will check the status provided by reCAPTCHA, so make sure you can connect to Google Services)

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0.1.1: Error in login

This model will pop up with different error messages depending on the results returned by our server. For example:

  • Wrong Username or Password
  • You have to pass the reCAPTCHA before login.

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0.2: Sign up

every sign up form has its own respective validation scheme or Regex, such as that user have to type in same password twice or username must be within 15 chars.

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0.2.1: Error in Sign up

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and so on ...

1: Login as Customer

Demo Username: customer1 password: customer1password

  • The default view is Messages view, you can switch different views by toggling the Navbar on the left.
  • the Log Out button on the top right will take you back to login.
1.1: (Default) Messages view

Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 5.21.41 PMWill be notified if:

  • your order exceeds Sales Representative's masks quota
  • your order has been cancelled by Sales Representative due to exceeds of his/her quota
1.2: Shopping Cart view

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Here you can view descriptions of masks made by Woolin Auto and choose to add different types of masks to your shopping cart by clicking Add button on the card, you can choose the amount of every type of masks as well.Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 5.27.07 PM

When you finally make you mind to make orders, press the Checkout button, it will pop up a window for you to choose your preferred Sales Reps.

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Press order to finally submit the order. it will pop out a window showing that it has been successfully submitted.

1.3: Orders view

this view clearly shows all orders made by you, including:

  • Those that are normal (in White).
  • Those that are cancelled by you (in Grey).
  • Those that are cancelled by your sales reps (in Red).
  • and those that exceed Sales Rep's quota (in Yellow).

you can only cancel orders that are made within 24 hours

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1.3.1: Cancel Order
  • when you cancel orders that are made more than 24 hours ago, it will pop up a window to prevent you from doing so.

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  • When you cancel orders that are made within 24 hours, it will pop up a alert warning you that this action is irrevocable.

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1.4: User Profile view

You can update your user profile Exclude Username here. Simply modify all your information and click on the Update Information button to update them.

Can change your password by toggling the Change Password switch and type in the same new password twice. Otherwise the system will not change your password even if you typed in a new one.

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2: Login as Sales Representative

Demo Username: salesreps1 password: salesreps1password

  • The default view is Messages view, you can switch different views by toggling the Navbar on the left.

  • the Log Out button on the top right will take you back to login.

2.1: (Default) Messages View

Will be notified if:

  • Customer's order exceeds your masks quota.

  • Customer has cancelled his/her order.

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2.2: Statistics view

you can see:

  • the Quota that you have used
  • All Quota granted by managers

as well as

  • the components of all your orders, eg: from which Customer, how many masks in that order.

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2.3: Orders view

This view clearly shows all orders assigned to you, including:

  • Those that are normal (in White).
  • Those that are cancelled by you (in Grey).
  • and those that exceed your quota (in Red).

Those orders that are cancelled by Customer will not appear in this section.

you can cancel orders that exceed your quota and made within 24 hours

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2.3.1: Cancel Order
  • when you cancel orders that are anomaly and made more than 24 hours ago, it will pop up a window to prevent you from doing so.

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  • When you cancel orders that are anomaly and made within 24 hours, it will pop up a alert warning you that this action is irrevocable.

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2.4: User Profile view

Sales Reps can update their respective user profile Exclude Username and Country here.

Can change their password by toggling the Change Password switch and type in the same new password twice. Otherwise system will not change your password even if you typed in a new one.

The Country & Region can only be changed by manager.

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3 : Login as Manager / 4: Administrator

Manager and Administrator can both login though Login as Manager section, but will be taken to different pages as they can perform relatively different operations.

Demo Username: manager password: manager

3.1: (Default) Messages view

will be notified if:

  • Customer's order exceeds sales reps masks quota, but 24 hours has passed

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3.2: Quota Management view

You can grant, re-grant or update Sales Representative's quota in this view

  • Add (Re-grant) will add the number you typed in to the existing Quota.
  • Set (Update) will set the number you typed in to the Quota.

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And if you do so, there will be a confirming message.Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 6.42.56 PM

3.3: Orders view

this view clearly shows all orders, including:

  • those that are normal (in White).
  • those that exceed Sales Reps quota but still in ordering (in Yellow without Mark).
  • and those that are marked as Complete.

Those orders that are cancelled by Customer or Sales Reps will not appear in this section.

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3.4: Overview view

this view is a mixture of all statistics as overview, which includes:

  • Total Quantity of all orders.
  • Total Revenue of all orders.
  • Masks that are under ordering (within 24 hours).
  • Total Quantity grouped by weeks (2020 19 means the 19th week of 2020).
  • Total Revenue grouped by weeks.
  • Region distribution of all Sales Representatives.
  • Region distribution of all Customer.

some of the chart will pop up details of statistics when mouse hover on it :)

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3.5: Sales Reps view

this view shows:

  • Personal information about this Sales Reps.
  • Can change the Region of Sales Reps
  • Weekly quantity/revenue made by this Sales Reps (chart is Interactive)
  • all orders assigned to this Sales Reps.

By default it will display a blank space until you choose one Sales Reps.

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3.5.1: Change Region of Sales Reps

You can simply change the region of Sales Reps just by select a new Region in the list.

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3.6: Customer view

this view shows:

  • Personal information about this Customer.
  • Weekly quantity/revenue made by this Customer (chart is Interactive)
  • all orders made by this Customer.

By default it will display a blank space until you choose one Customer.

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3.7: Region view

this view shows:

  • Quantity/revenue with respect to distribution of region
  • All orders in this Region

By default it will display only the distribution chart until you choose one Region.

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3.8: add Sales Reps view

in this view you can add sales reps, as what the manager is responsible for.

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4: Administrator

This page can be logged in though the admin account in the manager section in the login page.

This WIndows XP's wallpaper feels awesome...

Demo Username: sudo password: sudo

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Assuming that the user, as the administrator of the system, has enough knowledge to work on manipulation of MySQL, he/she can operate 'just like sudo in terminal' by typing MySQL scripts to the textbox and click execute.

You can exit this Terminal and back to login page by typing "exit()" and execute.

depending on the your scripts, it will pop up windows showing different messages or JSON objects returned by database.

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  • Customer

Column Type NULL Comment
username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL Match Twitter Username Regex
password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL Match Twitter Password Regex
realname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Customer Realname
passportID VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL Customer Passport ID
telephone VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL Customer Telephone Number
region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Customer Country & Region Full Name
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Match Email Regex
  • Sales Reps

Column Type NULL Comment
username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL Match Twitter Username Regex
password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL Match Twitter Password Regex
realname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Sales Reps Realname
employeeID VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL Sales Reps Employee ID
telephone VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL Sales Reps Telephone Number
region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Sales Reps Country & Region Full Name
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Match Email Regex
quotaUsed BIGINT NOT NULL Quota Already Used
quotaAll BIGINT NOT NULL Quota Assigned By Manager
  • Manager

Column Type NULL Comment
username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL Match Twitter Username Regex
password VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL Match Twitter Password Regex
realname VARCHAR(255) Manager Realname
email VARCHAR(255) Match Email Regex
isAdmin BOOL NOT NULL Manager is Admin of System
  • Orders

Column Type NULL Comment
time DATETIME NOT NULL Time When Order Added
N95quantity BIGINT NOT NULL Number of N95 Ordered
Surgicalquantity BIGINT NOT NULL Number of Surgical Ordered
SurgicalN95quantity BIGINT NOT NULL Number of SurgicalN95 Ordered
amount BIGINT NOT NULL Total Price Of This Order
region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL Where This Order Shipped to
customerID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign Key / Who Ordered
salesRepsID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign Key / Which Sales Reps Appointed
status INT NOT NULL -2 User Cancelled
-1 SalesReps Cancelled
0 Normal
1 Anomaly

Entity Relationship Diagram

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System-wide Evaluation


User privacy matters a lot, in this approach, to prevent from leaking of password though database storage, this system stores user's password by applying SHA-256 algorithm on it, rather than purely store bare password in to a fragile database that might be cracked at any time. In this approach, even if your "password" from the database has leaked, people who get this "SHA"ed password still cannot retrieve your original password because SHA-256 algorithm by far cannot reverse engineering. Moreover, this encryption happens in the front-end, both at sign up or login, so that it will never transmit unencrypted password in the unsafe internet.


This system has embedded with Google's reCAPTCHA on login, sign up as well as updating user information procedure, which can prevent those spam and abuse and make sure that it is REAL HUMAN who is using your system. Even so, it has not yet been equipped with anti-DDoS modules, which might be a vulnerability when it, as a global system, is further deployed on public internet.


This website uses Session to keep the connection between browser and server, however, it's not safe enough as anyone can cheat with server because it's a non-HTTPS connection. To solve this issue and enhance security, a unique Session ID will be created once the user login. this Session ID consists of the concatenation of your username and password, which have already applied SHA-256, and then apply SHA-256 the second time. In this encryption approach, every time user send a HTTP request, the server will evaluate the Session ID first, before doing anything related to database manipulation.

This website catches any error made by using PHP connecting to database, in this scheme, if any unrecoverable error happened, server will redirect user to 503 page, in order to prevent from doing anything harmful to the database.

This website generally applies PDO parameter binding on every SQL statements that has user input in it, which can largely prevent SQL Injection Attack when applied on public internet, and thus protect the database from malicious and unexpected manipulation.


As we all know, JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, which means it has one call stack and one memory heap. this might appear that this synchronous might be harmful when communicating with the internet. To solve this blocking, this system generally applies Asynchronous to all Ajax requests by utilizing Callback functions features, which will not be blocked on stack if the internet connection is unstable or lost. Moreover, every single POST request requires a JSON_status to be echoed, this also stops it from having bad or interrupted executions on the server-side, but unknown by the client-side.

Data Visualization

From my point of view, data cannot be fully understood if without Visualizing it. Nowadays, thanks for the contribution from people in Ant Financial, I could use the open source libraries they provide to visualize the data from database into interactive 2D plots. Thus will reduce the difficulty in featuring, classification and monitoring or those data in a large scale.


The Administrator Page gives Admin a command windows and sudo privilege on manipulation of the whole database. Even if the executing the SQL scripts requires double check of login status, there might still have possibility that the admin account been leaked.