Hi. I'm Kabyashree Gogoi. Certain skills that I've worked with include Data Structures and Algorithms(C,C++), Web Development(Flask, MySQL).
Sivasagar, India
Pinned Repositories
In blackjack, each player and dealer receives two cards. The player can then choose to “play” (request another card) or “stop” (keep on hold until a new request is made). The goal in this game is to keep the sum of all card points equal to 21 without exceeding it.
This is a calculator, which can do basic calculations including:- "Addition", "Subtraction", "Multiplication" and "Division".
Caesar Cipher Technique is a simple and easy method of encryption technique. Every letter in plain text is changed to a letter that appears a certain number of positions farther down the alphabet.
FrenchFlash is a simple way to learn french with the help of flash-cards.
It is Guessing name, in which player has to guess a number that has been generated randomly between 1 and 100. The hardness level of this game can vary from easy to hard.
A word game in which a player has to guess a word that has been randomly generated by guessing the letters in it. Every time they guess a wrong letter, part of a picture of a person being hanged is drawn, and if the picture is completed the person guessing has lost.
This is the final year project of our group.
This project is a two-player paddle game where each player's task is to save the ball from hitting the wall.
This project is a Mini-Game in Python, following OOP and using the Turtle module. The goal of this game is to catch the maximum number of food without hitting the wall or itself.
This project is a Mini-Game in Python, following OOP and using the Turtle module. The goal of this game is to help a turtle to cross the street.
Kabya002's Repositories
In blackjack, each player and dealer receives two cards. The player can then choose to “play” (request another card) or “stop” (keep on hold until a new request is made). The goal in this game is to keep the sum of all card points equal to 21 without exceeding it.
This is a calculator, which can do basic calculations including:- "Addition", "Subtraction", "Multiplication" and "Division".
Caesar Cipher Technique is a simple and easy method of encryption technique. Every letter in plain text is changed to a letter that appears a certain number of positions farther down the alphabet.
It is Guessing name, in which player has to guess a number that has been generated randomly between 1 and 100. The hardness level of this game can vary from easy to hard.
A word game in which a player has to guess a word that has been randomly generated by guessing the letters in it. Every time they guess a wrong letter, part of a picture of a person being hanged is drawn, and if the picture is completed the person guessing has lost.
This is the final year project of our group.
This project is a two-player paddle game where each player's task is to save the ball from hitting the wall.
This project is a Mini-Game in Python, following OOP and using the Turtle module. The goal of this game is to catch the maximum number of food without hitting the wall or itself.
This project is a Mini-Game in Python, following OOP and using the Turtle module. The goal of this game is to help a turtle to cross the street.
FrenchFlash is a simple way to learn french with the help of flash-cards.
Hi. I'm a Web developer.
KanyeSays is a Kanye Quote program, where there's random dive into Kanye Quotes.
Password Manager is a project built using Python tkinter GUI. Manage your passwords securely stored in your own device.
PomodoroTimer is a simple, easy to use , pomodoro-technique timer to keep you focused and motivated. It is built using Python tkinter GUI.
Quizzler is quiz app based on Trivia question API, built using python tkinter.