
Kacper Harasim


This project is a simple, recursive-descent XML parser combined with utility to download search results from Google Search API. It's updated syntactically to Swift 3.2. It doesn't have adopted Swift 3 guidelines due to time constraints. It's a project I've written on my second year of Bachelor studies, so it has couple of decisions and code paths that are unnecessary from present perspective

XML Grammar

XML Grammar I've created is rather symplistic one, but handles well common XMLs from the internet.

-XML ::= header node*
-header ::= begin_token ? xml <attribute>* ? end_token
-name ::= ciag_znakow_bez_spacji
-string ::= name  | whitespaces |  name whitespaces string
-attribute ::= <name> <equal_sign> >attr_value>
-whitespace ::= //comment: couple of whitespaces in converted into just one.
-equal_sign ::= =
-attr_value ::= " <string> "
-begin_token -> <
-end_token -> >
-close_token -> </
-autoclose_token -> />
-open_end_tag ::=  begin_token name <attribute> <autoclose_token>
-| begin_token name <autoclose_token>
-open_tag ::= <begin_token> <name> <end_token>
-| <begin_token> <name> <attribute> <end_token>
-end_tag ::= <close_token> <name> <end_token>
-node ::= <open_tag> <content> <end_tag>
-| <open_tag> <node> <end_tag>
-| <open_end_tag>