
Final Year Individual Project at the University of Southampton

Primary LanguagePython

Final Year Individual Project at the University of Southampton. Awarded With a Zepler Project Prize


Machine learning can simplify and quicken the drug development process by predicting specific properties of molecules. Recently, much progress has been made on predicting molecular features with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, CNNs require a fixed-size vector as an input which implies that the 3D structure of the molecule has to be projected into the lower-dimensional representation. This dimensionality reduction leads to information loss and a worse explainability of the model. As the molecular data is innately represented by the graph structures, convolutions over graphs might be a better approach. Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) is a novel deep learning architecture that allows training models directly on graph-like structures. This work applies GCNs to predict solubility which is a crucial molecular property in the drug development process. The novelty of the work is that instead of focusing on the accuracy of predictions, different explainability methods are applied to deepen our understanding of molecular features that affect the solubility.

Installation tips

The conda environment has been saved as env_info.yaml You can reproduce the environment by simply running the command: conda env create -f env_info.yaml It will create a conda enviroment with all libraries that were used for the project. If that doesn't work, install them manually from the file.


Works only when downloaded with Conda.

Tensorflow GPU

TF 2.0 and TF 1.14 Works only with CUDA 10.0. Version 10.1 doesn't work!

Description of the folder structure and files


contains a raw/preprocessed Wang dataset and solubility challenge dataset. It also contains custom classes that load the data used with the benchmarks.


Folder with custom classes that visualize the stats and distribution of features for the Wang dataset


Folder with custom classes that preprocess dataset notebooks


First version of the method 2 from the report, without the grid search.


Aka. method 2 from the report.


Aka. method 3 from the report.


Paths to data and important parameters


Script to analyze statistical properties from generated clusters with different splitting methods.


Functions to plot results