
Deep learning for automatically fixing single-line syntax errors in C programs.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Deep learning for automatically fixing single-line syntax errors in C programs

Designed, implemented and evaluated a deep learning based solution to fix syntactic errors in C programs. The programs were written by students in introductory programming assignments and contain single-line errors.

Problem Statement :

We were provided two CSV files train.csv and valid.csv which respectively contain training and validation data. Each row in these CSV files contains the following fields/columns:

a) Unnamed: 0 = the row number

b) sourceText = the buggy C program

c) targetText = the fixed C program

d) sourceLineText = code on the buggy line in sourceText

e) targetLineText = code on the fixed line in targetText

f) lineNums_Text = line number (starting from 1) of the buggy line in sourceText

g) sourceTokens = a list of token-lists where each token-list gives the tokens corresponding to the respective line of code in sourceText

h) targetTokens = a list of token-lists where each token-list gives the tokens corresponding to the respective line of code in targetText

i) sourceLineTokens = a list of tokens corresponding to sourceLineText

j) targetLineTokens = a list of tokens corresponding to targetLineText

I had to train a sequence-to-sequence neural network to map sourceLineTokens to targetLineTokens, that is, from the token sequence of only the buggy line in the input program (sourceLineText) to the corresponding fixed line (targetLineText).


  • A neural network cannot be directly fed in with code (or in general, text). Hence I tokenized the code using tokenization.py .

  • Converted a token sequence into a sequence of indices into a vocabulary. For this, I built a vocabulary by first iterating over training data and collecting all unique tokens.

  • Used some special tokens to indicate the end of an input sequence and the start of an output sequence and then fixed the lengths of input and output sequences when you are building the neural network. Longer sentences should be truncated and shorted ones should be padded. It is therefore essential to create special tokens to indicate these cases and reserve indices for them carefully.

  • Each token (index) will be mapped to a vector commonly called an embedding in neural network. With limited training data, learning good token embeddings for all the tokens may not be feasible. It is therefore common to restrict the vocabulary to top-k most frequent tokens for some value of k that one can decide through experimentation (e.g., 250, 500, 1000, etc.). The rest of the tokens are mapped to an out-of-vocabulary token.

  • To better obtain better reprentation of input instead of using the original variable names, I mapped them to some predefined space of variable names. For example, all integer variables could be mapped to VAR_INT_1, VAR_INT_2, etc. In fact, we can simplify this further and ignore the type and just rename variables to VAR_1, VAR_2, etc. The advantage is that now vocabulary now is much smaller and fixed. It will include any language-specific tokens (e.g., opening and closing braces or parentheses, types such as int, char, etc.) plus the fixed number of normalized variable names. In comparison, without normalization, our vocabulary will have real variable names seen in the training data (e.g., x, my_function, etc.). Normalized variable names will reduce OOV (Out of vocabulory) cases (which usually impact the model accuracy) and would result in smaller vocabularies.

  • During training,neural network should take (x, y) pairs as examples, where x is the token sequence for buggy program-line.

  • The sequence y is the expected output sequence, that is, the tokenized version of the fixed line. I mapped the tokens to their indices using the vocabulary.

  • It is common to use teacher-forcing to train a sequence-to-sequence model hence I used it.

  • Used LSTM- recurrent neural architecture for this seq2seq problem statement.

  • Here is visual representation of LSTM model :


  • For evaluating model I have written demo_eval.py script which should be invoked as follows python demo-eval.py <input-csv-file> <output-csv-file>

  • The script loads the model and then iterate over each token sequence from the input-csv-file (either, sourceTokens or sourceLineTokens depending on the problem you are solving) and runs the model in the evaluation mode (not the training mode) to obtain the predicted output sequence.

  • The predicted sequence of vocabulary indices is be mapped back to the tokens. An output file output-csv-file is generated that includes the inputs from the input-csv-file and a new column fixedTokens corresponding to my model prediction.

  • Here is model-summary of LSTM network:


Model Performance :

  • 91% token-level accuracy is achieved i.e 91% tokens are matched from the output produced by network.
  • 33% of programs is correctly being fixed among all the programs.

Future Work :

  • One can try attention-transformers based RNN architectures for this problem.
  • Better tokenization mechansism for C code.
  • Better representations / Embeddings for code.
  • Better initialisations / biases for network.

Acknoledgements :

  • Major ideas of this work are derived from DeepFix.