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This guide shows how to use Spring Boot’s Command Line Interface to create a rich application with a backend support by Spring MVC and a web-based front end using Thymeleaf template engine and jQuery.
You’ll build a web application using Groovy and Spring while also using Thymeleaf and jQuery.
Spring Boot comes with a Command Line Interface. There are several ways to install it.
You can install it via gvm:
curl -s get.gvmtool.net | bash
With gvm installed, you then install the CLI:
gvm install springboot spring --version
If you are using a Mac, you can also the CLI using Homebrew.
brew tap pivotal/tap brew install springboot spring --version
With either of these options, you are now in business to create a Spring application with minimal effort.
Now create the simplest application possible.
This Spring MVC controller defines a REST endpoint at /greeting
. We’ll write the template for that later in this guide.
Let’s demonstrate this using a jQuery animation. We first need to grab a copy of jQuery. The simplest option would to add a Groovy @Grab annotation to the top of your application that automatically fetches it.
Feel free to read more about Spring Boot + webjars. |
Let’s create a Thymeleaf template to support our Spring MVC endpoint.
mkdir templates
Now add the following template:
Because we used webjars, jQuery is found at webjars/jquery/<version>/<library> .
Now launch the application.
spring run -cp . app.groovy
See the animation by visiting http://localhost:8080/greeting.
This almost empty application comes preloaded with a lot of features thanks to Spring Boot.
@Controller gives a signal that this is a Spring MVC application and Boot will launch an embedded Tomcat servlet container.
Several paths are autoloaded for serving assets(see webjars and static web content blog entries for more details). That’s why we placed our web template in the
From here you can add RESTful endpoints to the backend, work on your front end, and grow your application as needed.
Spring Boot CLI provides a rapid way to create a back end server app. It also supports plugging in your favorite Javascript resources and HTML templates. You also could have staged CSS assets. Bottom line: you don’t have to create a project file. Instead, you can dive quickly into building your application.