A mod framework for Average4K on manipulating text/sprites.
Make sure your file is like this
function create()
-- This dofile runs spriteFrame
SpriteFrame.create() -- this inits the classes
function update(beat) -- Updates our sprites
You can include ModFrame with this as well.
Unlike ModFrame, SpriteFrame is class based.
Creating a sprite
-- creates a sprite at 200,200 named "mySprite" with the file "sprite.png" in the mod folder
local sprite = Sprite:new('mySprite','sprite',200,200)
You can then modify the sprite by setting its properties, like:
-- Set the sprites position to 2,2
sprite.x = 2
sprite.y = 2
-- Set its scale to 0.6x
sprite.scale = 0.6
-- Print the sprites width and height
consolePrint(tostring(sprite.width) .. ', ' .. tostring(sprite.height))
Animation example with a horizontal sprite sheet (only one that works, except for sparrow. which is kind of the same as the defined version in the avg4k mod docs)
local sprite = Sprite:new("explosion", "explosion", 20, 20)
sprite.loop = true
sprite.fps = 24
-- start at frame 0, end at frame 17
sprite.sheetAnims["explode"] = {0, 17}
-- You can add as many as you want, just remember to set their start and end frames correctly
-- example: sprite.sheetAnims["explode2"] = {18, 35}
-- then you would call sprite:playAnim("explode2") etc
Quick note for Sparrow Atlas Spritesheets, you don't need to do the sheetAnims thing.
It auto detects all of them in the xml (and the way you do it is by using setSparrow(xmlFile)
Then you can just use sprite:playAnim(xmlAnimationName) etc like you would normally
Sprite Sheet:
Final Product:
Creating text
-- Create a new text object named "myText", with the font "arial", with the initial text of "hello world", and the size of 24.
-- Also position the text to 20,20
local text = Text:new('myText','arial','hello world', 24, 20, 20)
-- Note: text has a max character limit of 512 characters.
Avaliable fonts are located at assets/graphical/fonts/ in the Average4K folder
You can also modify it using the same type of method
-- Set the text to 2,2
text.x = 2
text.y = 2
-- Print details about this text object
consolePrint(text.font .. ', ' .. tostring(text.size))
-- Set the text of this text object
text.text = "goodbye world"
-- Remove the text object (only for text stuff)
-- It is recommended to do any text/sprite moving in the update(beat) function.
-- as that will actually move it. lol