
A program to find the highest scoring word that can be played in Scrabble given a board state and a rack of letters

Primary LanguagePython

Scrabble Cheater

Scrabble Cheater uses a trie traversal algorithm to compute the top scoring plays in Words with Friends and Scrabble. To display words to users, we connected a Flask API to a React frontend via websockets. The application can be used at https://wordswithfiends.com. We only support English games at the moment, but we will soon offer support for additional languages, beginning with French and Spanish.



Navigate to to scrabble_cheater/ to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt`


Need to have Praceljs installed globally:

npm install -g parcel-bundler
npm run install


To use PyPy: Create a virtualenv to use with PyPy: virtualenv -p /path/to/pypy venv Activate the virtualenv and install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt Run server: pypy server.py

To use CPython:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python server.py

After doing one of the above, nativate to scrabble_cheater/frontend/ to run the development server:

npm run dev

The application will be running on localhost:1234


Run frontend tests:

npm run test

If you make changes to existing components, update the components snapshot by running:

npm run jest --updateSnapshot