
Fast, Secure wallet app for everyone.

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Your Payments Made Lightning Fast

Jio Network blocking the view? Network switch reveals the magic!

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 See it in Action  ยป

Introduction ยท Features ยท Tech Stack ยท Quick Start ยท Manual Setup

Experience seamless transactions and effortless money transfers with ZippyX. Delve into the codebase to explore more.

Jio Network blocking the view? Network switch reveals the magic!

  • Organized File and Folder Structure

  • Fully Responsive Design

  • Well-organized & intuitive UI

  • Server Side State Management & Caching using React Query.

  • Client Side States Management with Recoil

  • Custom Hooks

  • Schema Validation using zod.

  • Robus Authentication

  • Google SSO (Single Sign-On)

  • Security Measures like rate limiting and referesh tokens.

  • Documentation with local development setup guide.

  • Dark and Light Mode

  1. Prerequisites

    Make sure you have the Docker installed on your machine.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yntpdotme/zippy-x.git
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd zippy-x
  4. Add Environment Variables:

    Create .env files in the server and client folder and copy paste the content of .env.sample

    # server side
    cd server
    cp .env.sample .env # then update `.env` with your creadentials.
    cd ..
    # client side
    cd client
    cp .env.smaple .env # then update `.env` if required.
    cd ..
  5. Start all services using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up --watch
    # --watch to Enable Watch (For Live Update aka Hot Reloading)

  1. Prerequisites
    Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yntpdotme/zippy-x.git
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd zippy-x
  4. Setup Backend:

    • Navigate to the Backend Codebase:

      cd server/
    • Install dependencies:

      npm install
    • Add Environment Variables:

      Create .env file in the root folder and copy paste the content of .env.sample

      cp .env.sample .env

      Update credentials in .env with your creadentials.

    • Start the Server:

      npm start
    • Explore the API:

      Access the project APIs at the specified endpoints using API Docs.

  5. Setup Frontend:

    • Navigate to the Frontent Codebase:

      cd client/
    • Install dependencies:

      npm install
    • Add Environment Variables:

      Create .env file in the root folder and copy paste the content of .env.sample

      cp .env.sample .env

      If required, update necessary credentials.

    • Start the frontend app:

      npm run dev
    • Start the backend server:

      cd ../server
      npm start
    • Open app in browser:

      Visit https://localhost:5173 to access frontent.

๐Ÿค  Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to get started.

๐Ÿชช   License

ZippyX is open-source under the MIT License. Feel free to learn, add upon, and share!