This frontend application is deployed to an Azure App Service.
You'll find the proper file for local development from LastPass.
Make sure you have installed all dependencies with yarn
and then run yarn test
Press a in the test window.
To start the dev env run yarn start
You can test the service worker only in production mode. In order to test it, run yarn build
followed by e.g. yarn global add serve
and serve -s build
When working on a new feature or fixing a bug always create a new branch from the master branch. When the feature or fix is complete create a pull request (from now on PR) for the branch. There should always be at least one or two reviewers for the PR and once the PR has been approved it can be merged to master.
TODO The test environment is running here.
Anything pushed to the master branch is automatically deployed to the test environment
Make sure the GitHub action successfully completes and test environment is accessible and these things works:
Tests are automatically run during the GitHub workflow when things are pushed to the master branch.
As everything from the master branch is deployed to the test environment the only way to change what is deployed is to push new changes or reverting old commits.
The production app can be found here and here:
Create a release in GitHub. Fill out tag version and title and then publish the release.
Make sure the GitHub action successfully completes and production environment is accessible and these things works:
Tests are automatically run in the Github action flow.
Fix the release
Github Actions is used for CI.
Useful links and information: