
OSC program that makes SteamVR controller thumb positions, trigger values, and other actions accessible as Avatar Parameters.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OSC program that makes all SteamVR controller actions accessible as Avatar Parameters with a flexible configuration system.

Based on ThumbParamsOSC by I5UCC

Works for both VRChat and ChilloutVR but requires an OSC Mod when used in ChilloutVR.

Supports every controller that exposes actions to SteamVR. Including Valve-Index and Oculus(Meta)-Touch Controllers. You may need to set the bindings manually for other controllers.

How to use

Activate OSC in VRChat:


In Action menu, got to Options>OSC>Enable

Then just run the AdvancedActionsOSC.exe and you are all set!

You might need to restart AdvancedActionsOSC.exe or even SteamVR after first run

Download from the releases page


Configuration is done via config.yaml, it is intended to be largely human readable.

Basic settings

Key Value
IP IP address of OSC client
Port OSC client listen port
BindingsFolder Folder for SteamVR bindings
ActionManifestFile Action set used by steamvr
ActionSetHandle Internal name used for actions
ConnectedParam OSC parameter name set to true when AdvancedActionsOSC runs
Params See below
CustomParams See below

When the program runs, it will send the parameter name specified by ConnectedParam to true. You can use that to transition to a different set of animator states when the program runs, for example, to use more complex hand gestures when available.

Actions and Types

SteamVR actions are defined in bindings/thumbparams_actions.json and are used by SteamVR to bind controller actions. This program defined many actions:


Controllers are defined by left_xxx and right_xxx action names, for example left_a_click.

Action name Description
(left/right)_joystick_position Thumbstick position
(left/right)_joystick_click Thumbstick click
(left/right)_joystick_touch Thumbstick touch sensor
(left/right)_trackpad_position Trackpad position
(left/right)_trackpad_click Trackpad click
(left/right)_trackpad_touch Trackpad touch sensor
(left/right)_trigger_pull Amount the main trigger is pulled in
(left/right)_trigger_touch Touch sensor on the main trigger
(left/right)_grip_pull Amount the grip trigger is squeezed
(left/right)_grip_force Force used on the grip sensor (Index Controller)
(left/right)_a_click Lower button (A/X) pressed in
(left/right)_a_touch Lower button (A/X) touched by thumb
(left/right)_b_click Upper button (B/Y) pressed in
(left/right)_b_touch Upper Button (B/Y) touched by thumb
(left/right)_pose_raw Raw controller pose returned by SteamVR
(left/right)_pose_tip Pose centered at the controller tip
(left/right)_pose_base Base controller pose returned by SteamVR
(left/right)_skeleton Controller Skeleton (not reliable on Oculus)

Additionally, there are three actions defined for the headset

Action name Description
head_proximity Proximity sensor, does not appear to work
head_tap Tap sensing, defined in SteamVR for Oculus, but does not appear to work
head_pose_raw Pose for the HMD, appears to be X/Z centered when the headset is woken up. Y level is relative to floor height.

Most parameters can be remapped via the SteamVR binding menu, but default bindings are provided. It is preferred to change the configuration file rather than editing SteamVR bindings.


Boolean and float values use pythons basic data types. GLM (OpenGL Mathematics) types are used for some vectors and matrices due to the abundance of useful functions not found in libraries such as numpy.

There are five basic types for actions:

Type Description
boolean Does what it says on the box
vector1 Simple float
vector2 2d position, defined in python as a glm.vec2. Elements can be accessed via pos.x and pos.y
pose Complex data type
skeleton Complex data type

Parameters fall into the types as follows:

Parameter Type
xxx_position vector2 (glm.vec2)
xxx_click, xxx_touch boolean
head_tap, head_proximity boolean
xxx_pull, xxx_force vector1 (float)
xxx_pose_xxx pose (DevicePose)
xxx_skeleton skeleton (HandSkeleton)

Position type parameters can very between -1.0 and 1.0, _pull and _force parameters very between 0.0 and 1.0. Pose values have no limits, and skeleton splay and curl vary between 0.0 and 1.0.

Pose Type

The pose data type is defined by the DevicePose class in python and has the following definition:

class DevicePose:
    matrix : glm.mat4
    position : glm.vec3
    rotation : glm.quat
    velocity : glm.vec3
    angvelocity : glm.vec3
Field Description
matrix The transform matrix as returned by SteamVR. Right handed system where +y is up, +x is right, and -z is forward.
position Pose position
rotation Pose rotation, as a quaternion
velocity Controller / HMD velocity
angvelocity Controller / HMD angular velocity, expressed in radians

All units are in metres or radians.

Skeleton Type

The skeleton data type is relatively simple. SteamVR returns a curl value for each finger, and a splay value for each finger except the thumb. These are stored in a HandSkeleton data type where skelly.fingerCurl and skelly.FingerSplay are the two sets of values, respectively.

Each set of values is stored as a python list of floats with some additional attributes for handy access. Attributes are thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky such that values can be accessed like skelly.fingerCurl.thumb. Each set of values can also be accessed as a list skelly.fingerCurl[0], however this syntax cannot be used for basic parameters.

Splay data does not include information for the thumb, so the data starts with index zero at the index finger.

Basic Parameters

Basic parameters are defined under the root Params: key.

Parameters are set via the ParameterName: steamvr_action_name format, example:

  AvatarLeftButtonATouch: left_a_touch
  AvatarLeftButtonBTouch: left_b_touch

Basic parameters can also access attributes of complex parameter types, for example:

  AvatarRightThumbstickXPosition         : left_joystick.x
  AvatarHeadsetRawHeight                 : head_pose_raw.position.y
  AvatarIndexControllerRightMiddleFinger : right_skeleton.fingerCurl.middle

The type of each parameter is automatically determined and must be either a bool, float or an integer.

If no basic parameters are used, the config must include an empty dict: Params: {}

Custom Parameters

Custom parameters are very powerful, and allow you to define arbitrary python expressions to process controller actions into a meaningful avatar parameters.

Python expressions are restricted from certain keywords and attributes, however it is not completely secure, do not use config files from people you do not trust.

Only the math, numpy as np, and glm imports are available to custom expressions.

Custom parameters are defined under the top level CustomParams: key, which is a list of actions with the following keys:

Key Value
OSCName The avatar parameter name
Expression The python expression to run
Actions List of steamvr actions to expose to the python expression

As with basic parameters, the python expression must resolve to either an integer, float, or boolean value.

Actions are passed to the python expression via the local variable v as a list. Some simple examples:

- OSCName: AvatarLeftThumbTouchingController
  Expression: any(v) # also could be bool(v[0] or v[1] or v[2] or v[3])
  - left_a_touch
  - left_b_touch
  - left_trackpad_touch
  - left_joystick_touch
- OSCName: AvatarMaxThumbstickDistanceFromCentre
  Expression: max([glm.length(d) for d in v])
  - left_joystick_position
  - right_joystick_position
- OSCName: ControllerTipsAreLessThan10cmApart
  Expression: glm.distance(v[0], v[1]) < 0.1
  - right_pose_tip.position
  - left_pose_tip.position

Complex expressions can produce useful parameters, the following expression computes the distance between points 20cm from the tips of the controllers:

- OSCName: ControllerTips20cmAwayDistance
  Expression: glm.distance(v[0].matrix * glm.vec4(0,0,-0.2,1), v[1].matrix * glm.vec4(0,0,-0.2,1))
  - right_pose_tip
  - left_pose_tip

If custom parameters are not used, the config file must include an empty list: CustomParams: []

Avatar Setup

You will need to create avatar parameters corresponding to the names set in the configuration file.

Once avatar parameters are set on the avatar descriptor, they can be used in animator controllers.

If you use float parameters to control some motion on your avatar, you may need to use a tool such as OSCmooth to ensure other players see smooth changes to that motion, as animator parameters are not smoothed unless you have a puppet menu open for that parameter.

Command line Arguments

You can run this by using AdvancedActionsOSC.exe {Arguments} in command line.

Option Value
-d, --debug prints values for debugging
-i IP, --ip IP set OSC IP. Default=
-p PORT, --port PORT set OSC port. Default=9000
-c FILE, --config FILE loads configuration from the specified file. Default=config.yaml


  • I5UCC for the original code and inspiration.