Description: I will creating a small web social application. The app will allow a user to create an account and make posts. They are not only able to make a post to the main page, but also have personal blog posts on their own page. Their personal blogs cannot be viewed unless their page is followed.
As a user I want to be able to register an account and only able to view the page if a user is logged in As a user when I am logged in it will redirect me to my profile page As a user when I am signing up, I want to be able to make edits to my page I want to be able to make a personal blog on my actual profile, but it will not be viewable unless another user is following my page. I want to be able to set my status as available or away As a user I want to be able to make a post on the main page section where anyone can view As a user I want to be able to view my friends/ followers page
Authentication, we will be using JWEB Tokens again, but this time we will set it to locale storage This will be based with a REACT FrontEnd, will attempt to rework django backend, but if proven difficult will switch to a MERN stack application Able to have an add friend/follower feature
Implementing a real chat system. In my play around I was able to get it to work only locally, but I will have to configure it so that it will display the user's name and such. Implement a dark/light theme Having user’s able to repost another users blog Using Django REST Framework over MERN Impressed with an upload file from the computer, I would love to implement that if possible.