Solution overview


How to execute


Setting up

  • Clone the repository
  • cd workshop-unit-testing
  • python3 -m venv .venv
  • source .venv/bin/activate
  • make install

Note: Always be sure that IDE is using the virtual env (.venv) and not your system default python.

Running it locally

  • Be sure the virtual env (.venv) is activated
  • make run

To execute it through IDE, make the app folder available inside PYTHONPATH variable. Using PyCharm, you can right-click app folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root. The folder icon will be displayed in blue color.

The script to be executed is and if everything is running successfully, after executing the script you will be able to download the file from local S3 by pasting the following URL into your browser:


The script will provide a log line main: file uploaded {url} once clicked will download the file

Running all unit tests

  • Be sure the virtual env (.venv) is activated
  • make unit-tests


Everything seems to be working, right? But if I tell you there are things missing...

First problem

The checks if the function's content was returned successfully, but it's missing the most crucial thing, which is to validate that the requests.get is sent as expected.

For the following code, you need to ensure that the function will call, endpoint

@api(host=BASE_URL, endpoint="v2/networks?fields=id,")
def networks(self, url: str):
    return requests.get(url)

And for the following code, having by_id=foobar, the function will call

@api(host=BASE_URL, endpoint="v2/networks/{network_id}")
def network(self, url: str, *, by_id: typing.AnyStr):
    return requests.get(url=url.format(network_id=by_id))

Second problem

The test is overlapping the module, mixing two different unit tests into a single one.

To solve it, a file named was created to handle only the @api() decorator, and all tests regarding it must be moved and refactored into this new file.

How to submit

After finishing all changes, upload your branch to my repository and create a pull request to the main branch.