
Simple C-like scripting engine written in Free Pascal

Primary LanguagePascalMIT LicenseMIT

Simple C-like scripting engine written in Free Pascal. While it is primarily designed for satania-buddy, it can also be utilized as a general-purpose, embeddable scripting engine.

It has been tested and works on the following platforms: DOS (go32v2), Windows (x86 & x64), Linux (x64), although theoretically it should work on every platforms except 8/16-bit systems and wasm, due to the lack of goto

By default import feature (allows to import external functions from DLLs directly) only works on x64. Enable SE_LIBFFI, which in turn uses libffi instead, will allow you to use import in other archs.

In case of libffi, because evil script does not allow to change calling convention (for now!), on x86 it is default to stdcall on Windows, and cdecl on Unix.



  • fpc -O4 evil.pas


  • evil examples/hello.evil

How to embedded into applications

  • See Test.pas and evil.pas source code

About compiler

  • The compiler itself is a one-pass compiler. It follows Niklaus Wirth’s design, completely skips AST generation and generates binary directly.
  • Due to the lack of AST, only constant folding and peephole optimizations are implemented.
  • The performance of its virtual machine should be better than CPython.