- 1
- 2
- 2
Latest R version within Kaggle.
#196 opened by nipnipj - 1
Distance Package
#200 opened by somnathdasgupta321 - 4
`naryn` package
#195 opened by aviezerl - 3
- 0
#168 opened by bpvgoncalves - 2
ClusterR package
#191 opened by nipnipj - 3
R: Treesnip package is missing.
#185 opened by nipnipj - 2
- 2
torch library update
#177 opened by issactoast - 1
update package "mlr3verse"
#163 opened by GeoEv - 2
Include new ML package - NNS
#166 opened by alphabotrobertospadim - 1
Install package daggity and ggdag
#159 opened by lsun20 - 1
Issue installing autoxgboost
#135 opened by Cdk29 - 1
Install package ORCI
#153 opened by lsun20 - 3
Error: Python module h2o4gpu was not found.
#68 opened by ismailmuller - 4
Request for adding TDA package to Kaggle Kernel
#72 opened by jclchan - 1
Keras is not working in the last image
#81 opened by agenlu - 1
Installation of R Pkg- ‘gifski’ and ‘ggalluvial’
#85 opened by Bang2018 - 2
Cannot open parquet files
#87 opened by jmartindelasierra - 0
How to set TF 2.2 in R ?
#120 opened by turgut090 - 0
#86 opened by hussamgit398 - 1
caretEnsemble no longer available
#95 opened by Duella12345 - 2
- 1
Unable to install topicmodels package
#73 opened by ryanholbrook - 0
Install patchwork and update cowplot package
#74 opened by pergran1 - 0
lstat patches/: no such file or directory
#19 opened by Arsey - 1
Deploy a R Docker Image to Kaggle Kernels
#41 opened by rosbo - 0
Update TSstudio Package
#21 opened by RamiKrispin - 1
Update R environment
#15 opened by jweinflash - 1
resuming docker pull downloads.
#14 opened by nyxee - 1
resuming docker downloads
#13 opened by nyxee - 1
size of kaggle/rstats
#12 opened by nyxee - 1
duplicate entry in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
#10 opened by mikexl - 3
- 2
Problem with Rmd script
#4 opened by matsavage - 4
Upgrade h2o package
#2 opened by KobaKhit