
Object Detection using the Microsoft Custom Vision API on HoloLens

Primary LanguageC#

Object Detection on HoloLens

This sample shows how to perform Object Detection using the Microsoft Custom Vision API.


In this example, the Custom Vision model is trained to recognize bananas and cans

How to use

Step 1: Create your Custom Vision - Object Detection project

Note: To complete this step, you need to have Azure account. You can create one for free here.

  • Create a new Computer Vision service
  • Go to customvision.ai
  • Create a new project, and select Object Detection as the project type
  • Upload training images (for each object you want to detect, you need to provide at least 15 images where it appears)
  • Tag the objects in each image
  • Train your Custom Vision model
  • Set the current iteration as default
  • In the settings, get the Prediction key & endpoint

Step 2: Update the sample with your own Custom Vision model

  • Download the sample
  • Open it in Unity
  • In the Scripts folder, open CustomVisionAnalyzer.cs
  • Update the values of the prediction key and prediction endpoint with the ones you got in the previous step
  • Build the project
  • Open the generated Visual Studio solution
  • Build & deploy to your HoloLens

Step 3: Test on HoloLens

  • Make sure you have objects recognized by your Custom Vision model at hand
  • Once the app is ready (after the "Made with Unity" splash screen), make the tap gesture while looking at your target object(s)
  • The tags & probabilities will appear next to the recognized objects