This is an app for taking inventory which can later on be sold and produces records of sales. It is implemented as an offline system as of now.
- Room Persistence library - An ORM library used for data persistence
- Coroutines & Flow API
- MVVM Clean Architecture - A way to structure a project to support scalability and testability
- SOLID principles - Design concepts to maintain clean code.
- Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt
The figure below depicts the moving parts of a clean architecture system
- Presentation : This is the layer that bundles the UI related components. In our app, all our fragments, activities and their activities are packaged into this layer.
- Data : Whatever source of data our application is going to use will all be abstracted in this layer.
- Domain : This layer maintains the business rules and logic for our application.
- Greater decoupling of code which in turn enhances testing and reusability.
- The project is more understandable even to visitors.
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Every software artifact should have only one single responsibility - reason to change. Code that is depended upon by other artifacts should be separated.
Open-Closed Principle A software artifact should be open for extension but should be closed for modification.
Liskov Substitution If you have class B which inherits class A, wherever class A is being used, you should be able to use class B without breaking the flow.
Interface Segregation To prevent a class from implementing methods it does not even need, it is best to many small small interfaces that the class can implement according to its functionality.
Dependency Inversion Artifacts should depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations.