
  • Goal

    Retrieve file whose data may be passed as multilple packets in arbitrary order, reorder the data to form the expected file with sequence number of packets

  • Environment

    Unix OS (my environment: MSYS2 in Windows)

  • Prerequisite of Module/Package

    autoconf automake libtool openssl libcurl gcc

  • libcurl installation (refer to and instructions)

    1. Clone the source code from
    2. Open terminal at the root of the git repository (i.e. [User path]/curl/)
    3. Input command "autoreconf -fi"
    4. Input command "./config --with-ssl" or "./config --with-openssl" (can be replaced with any supported ssl pacakge you have)
    5. Input command "make"
    6. Input command "make install"
    7. Input command "curl -V" to check if the curl is installed success and get details (supported protocols)
  • Execution

    1. Open terminal at this project folder
    2. Input command "gcc main.c -lcurl -o [output_name]" (ex: gcc main.c -lcurl -o application.exe)
    3. Input command "./[output_name] [URL:PORT]" (ex: ./application.exe
    4. Check the "data.out" and "result.out" files, the former is the data downloaded from server and the latter is the result file with data reordered.