
Solutions of xchg rax,rax

Write-up "xchg rax,rax"

xchg rax,rax It’s a collection of assembly riddles. The book contains 0x40 short assembly snippets, with no text.


xor      eax,eax
lea      rbx,[0]
loop     $
mov      rdx,0
and      esi,0
sub      edi,edi
push     0
pop      rbp

Different ways to set registers to 0 or implementation of nop.


    xadd     rax,rdx
    loop     .loop

it execute xadd instruction in a loop.

implementation of xadd in c:

int Temporary, Source, Destination;
scanf("%d %d", &Source, &Destination);
printf("Source = %d    |   Destination = %d    |   Temporary = %d\n", Source, Destination, Temporary);
// Exchanges the first operand with the second operand then loads the sum of the two values into the destination operand.
Temporary = Source + Destination;
Source = Destination;
Destination = Temporary;
printf("Source = %d    |   Destination = %d    |   Temporary = %d\n", Source, Destination, Temporary);

execute && debugging

(gdb) i r rax                  #rax = 0, rdx = 1
    $rax            0x0	0
(gdb) i r rax
    $rax            0x1	1
(gdb) i r rax
    $rax            0x1	1
(gdb) i r rax
    $rax            0x2	2
(gdb) i r rax
    $rax            0x3	3


neg      rax            ; cf = 1 if rax != 0
sbb      rax,rax
neg      rax

neg instruction reverse signs of a number by converting number to two compliments 1 = 00000001 / -1 = 11111111

implementation of neg in asm:

xor  ecx, ecx      ; ecx = ecx ^ ecx
sub  ecx, eax      ; ecx = 0 - eax

and sbb equals to des = des - (src + CF) if we initialize rax = 1

-1 - ( -1 + 1 ) = -1


sub      rdx,rax         ; rdx = rdx - rax
sbb      rcx,rcx         ; carry flag will be 0 if rdx was greater or equal to rax
and      rcx,rdx         ; rcx & rdx = 0
add      rax,rcx         ; simple arithmetic instruction

we initialize rax = 1 and rdx = 2

if ( rdx > rax ) {        // CF=0
  rdx -= rax
  rcx = 0                 // AND 0 (rcx) with anything (in rdx) is nop here.
                          // ADDing 0 (rcx) to rax is a nop
else {                    // rax > rdx (CF=1)
  rdx -= rax
  rcx = -1                // all bits on
  rcx = rdx               // code is rcx &= rdx
                          // remember -1 & x == x
  rax += rcx


xor      al,0x20

convert code into python

>>> chr(65)
>>> chr(65 ^ 0x20)


sub      rax,5
cmp      rax,4

nothing special


not      rax        ; ~rax = -2
inc      rax        ; rax++
neg      rax        ; By applying the two’s complement twice they cancel each other

not is bitwise operator, inc is add rax, 1

we initialize rax = 1


inc      rax
neg      rax
inc      rax
neg      rax

4 instruction they cancel each other


add      rax,rdx
rcr      rax,1       ; right rotate with carry

rcr is rotate right for the carry flag


shr      rax,3        ; rax >>= 3
adc      rax,0        ; rax = rax + 0 + CF

shr is shifts the bits of the first operand right by the specified number of bits in this case is 3 .

ADC dest, 0 is just adding the CF we initialize rax = 8


add      byte [rdi],1
inc      rdi
adc      byte [rdi],0
loop     .loop

it increments the least-significant byte at the memory location pointed by rdi


not      rdx
neg      rax
sbb      rdx,-1
rax = 0
rdx = 5
rdx = ~rdx + 1


mov      rcx,rax
xor      rcx,rbx       ; rcx = rcx ^ rbx
ror      rcx,0xd       ; rotate rcx right 0xd(13) positions
ror      rax,0xd
ror      rbx,0xd
xor      rax,rbx
cmp      rax,rcx       ; compare rax and rcx

In a rotate instruction

mov eax,0xA //the value in eax is 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1010
ror eax,2 // now eax will be      1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010

implementating this code in c

int rcx , rax = 123456, rbx = 987654;
rcx = rax;
rcx = (rcx ^ rbx) >> 13;                // 001110111
rax = (rax >> 13) ^ (rbx >> 13);
printf("rcx = %d      |       rax = %d", rcx, rax);


mov      rdx,rbx
xor      rbx,rcx
and      rbx,rax
and      rdx,rax
and      rax,rcx
xor      rax,rdx
cmp      rax,rbx       ; compare rax and rbx

implementating this code in c

int rax = 123, rbx = 456, rcx = 789, rdx = rbx;
rbx = (rbx ^ rcx) & rax;
rax = (rax & rcx) ^ (rdx & rax);
printf("rax = %d        |       rbx = %d", rax, rbx);


mov      rcx,rax
and      rcx,rbx
not      rcx
not      rax
not      rbx
or       rax,rbx
cmp      rax,rcx

implementating this code in c

int rax = 1337, rbx = 7331, rcx;
rcx = rax;
rcx = ~(rcx & rbx);
rax = ~rax | ~rbx;
printf("rax = %d        |       rbx = %d        |           rcx = %d", rax, rbx, rcx);


    xor      byte [rsi],al
    loop     .loop

what lodsb does is:

mov al,[rsi]
inc rsi           ; (or dec, according to direction flag)

simple xor encryption, implementating this code in c

int i;
char rax;
char *str = "blablabla";
while(str[i] != '\0'){
		str[i] = str[i] ^ rax;
		rax = str[i];


push	 rax		; push the value of rax onto the stack
push	 rcx		; push the value of rcx onto the stack
pop	  rax		; load the value on top of the stack into rax
pop	  rcx		; load the value on top of the stack into rcx
xor      rax,rcx
xor      rcx,rax
xor      rax,rcx
add      rax,rcx
sub      rcx,rax
add      rax,rcx
neg      rcx
xchg     rax,rcx

implement swap in different ways


    mov      dl,byte [rsi]
    xor      dl,byte [rdi]
    inc      rsi              ; counter for the first buffer
    inc      rdi              ; counter for the second buffer
    or       al,dl
    loop     .loop

compare two strings


mov      rcx,rdx
and      rdx,rax
or       rax,rcx
add      rax,rdx

just addition between rax and rdx


  • I will update this repo when i solve new challenges.