Need a few sprigs of rosemary for your recipe? It doesn't get more local than just around the corner. Forager allows users to locate food plants growing in their area, fostering a sense of connection to their urban environment. Users can seach from thousands of plants pulled from a San Francisco plant census, and search by criteria such as harvest season. They can then...
- View plants on an interactive map
- Review plants to help other users find what they need
- Add new plants
- [SQLite] - Database contains thousands of plants, users, and plant reviews
- [SQLAlchemy] - Streamlines database queries
- [Python] - Backend code that manipulates incoming data, controls access to the database, and serves data to the webpage through a framework.
- [Flask] - Lightweight web framework which also provides support for jinja templating and unittests
- [Javascript] - Frontend code which allows for dynamic webpages
- [jQuery] - A Javascript library that simplifies DOM manipulation, including creating event handlers for user interaction
- [AJAX] - Gets information from server without reloading the page, allowing for more dynamic pages and faster loading times
- [Leaflet/Mapbox API] - Uses geoJSON passed from the server to create dynamic plant maps, and reverse geocoding to translate coordinates to the nearest addresses.
- [HTML] - Displays information on the web
- [CSS] - Styles webpages
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - Frontend UI framework for quick styling
Forager is seeded with data from the 2012/2013 San Francisco tree census, a project led by Friends of the Urban Forest ( and the Davey Research Group.
Clone repo:
$ git clone forager
$ cd forager
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Forager server:
$ python
View in your browser, probably at