đź’¸Expense Tracker

Expense tracker built by Express.js and Mongoose. Track your everyday expense at ease.

Website: https://frozen-taiga-94619.herokuapp.com

Testing Account



home page


  • Register and login with email or facebook account
  • Record, edit, and delete expense
  • Quickly check category subtotals with pie chart
  • Filter, search, and sort expense trackers simultaneously:
    • filter by category, year and month simultaneously
    • search by expense name
    • sort by amount or date
  • Timezone difference issue is managed , and all date is shown in local time

UX Features

  • Clear all filter and sort conditions by clicking on the funnel button
  • Hover over the category icon to see category name on tooltips

Tech Stack

Tool I use


  1. Enter git clone https://github.com/Kaikai8888/expense-tracker.git in the terminal to download the project folder
  2. Enter npm install in the terminal to install packages
  3. Use Robo 3T to manipulate mongoDB, create connection to localhost: 27017, and create the database,expense-tracker
  4. Follow .env.example to create .env file to set up environmental variables
  5. Enter npm run seed in the terminal to to run seeder.js with nodemon and create seed data
  6. Enter npm run dev in the terminal to run app.js with Nodemon to set up database connection and start local server
  7. Enter http://localhost:3000 in the browser to enter the website