
Golang Telegram Bot library - In Development

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is just a small training project and it's not intended for everyday use, not yet.
Please feel free to give me some tips.
This is my first Go project.


These examples are outdated, please be patient.

Hello World Command

package main

import . "github.com/kaikyudev/gobot"

func main() {
    // instantiate our bot with out custom costructor
    var bot = NewBot("TOKEN")

    // Add our funcion in response to /start
    bot.AddCommandHandler("start", start)

    // Start getting updates, pass true to clean pending updates, otherwise pass false

    // Wait while our bot runs

func start(bot *Bot, update Update) {
    msgID := update.Message.MessageID
    chatID := update.Message.Chat.ID

    // Typing...
    bot.SendChatAction(update.Message.Chat.ID, Typing)

    // With SendMessageArgs{} you can pass extra args for sendMessage method
    bot.SendMessage(chatID, "*Markdown*", SendMessageArgs{ReplyToMessageID:msgID, ParseMode:Markdown})
} // That's it!

Getting Updates

package main

import (
    . "github.com/kaikyudev/gobot"

func main() {
    var bot = NewBot("TOKEN")

    // Add our funcion in response to any update


func updateHandler(bot *Bot, update Update) {
    // Log every update
    log.Printf("[%s] %s", update.Message.From.Username, update.Message.Text)

Handling Panics

package main

import (
    . "github.com/kaikyudev/gobot"

func main() {
    var bot = NewBot("TOKEN")

    // Add our funcion in response to every panic

    bot.AddCommandHandler("panic", panicFoo)


func errorHandler(bot *Bot, update Update, errorMessage string) {
    // Log every panic
    log.Printf("Update #%d has caused a Panic with error message %s", update.UpdateID, error)

func panicFoo(bot *Bot, update Update){
    log.Print("Starting panic...")

What is working

  • Basic API requests
  • Methods: GetMe, GetUpdates, SendMessage, SendChatAction, SendPhoto, SendDocument [more to come...]
  • Getting updates
  • Commands handling
  • Errors handling

Not much more...