A minimal implementation of REST API using Django REST framework.

Primary LanguagePython


A minimal implementation of REST API using Django REST framework. This is a demonstrative project to understand the implementation of following features in RESTFull web services:

  • Django project configuration for installed apps, database, authentication, testing etc.
  • Creating MSV (Models, Serializers, Views) as per DRF API guidelines.
  • Common customization for django admin interface and urls.
  • User request Authentication using Token Authentication and Permission Policy.
  • Customizable Pagination which allows you to split large result sets into individual pages.
  • Test Driven Development.


  • Python==3.6.9
  • Django==3.0.4
  • djangorestframework==3.11.0
  • django-nose==1.4.6


pip install -r requirements.txt


Endpoint HTTP Method CRUD Operation
api/review/institute/ POST, GET Create, Retrieve ALL
api/review/institute/{id}/ GET, PUT, DELETE Retrieve, Update, Destroy
api/user/ POST Create User
api/user/login/ POST Login User
get-token/ POST Request a token


We need to do following changes in reviewapp/settings.py in order to enable token authentication. First add restframework.authtoken to your INSTALLED_APPS. Second add the TokenAuthentication to REST_FRAMEWORK

    # Django Apps

    # Third party Apps
    'rest_framework.authtoken',  # here

    # Local Apps


GET a Token

The simplest ways we can get a token are -

python manage.py drf_create_token tyrian

Or by using httpie

http post username=kailas password=kailas123


Pagination allows you to control how many objects per page to be returned. To enable it add the following lines to REST_FRAMEWORK dictionary in reviewapp/settings.py

    'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
    'PAGE_SIZE': 10


Test Cases for

  1. Verification of user registration with invalid password.
  2. Verification of user registration with valid data.
  3. Verification of user registration with unique username validation.
  4. User login without password authentication.
  5. User logn with password authentication.
  6. User login with valid credentials.
  7. Endpoint validation
  8. Create institute.
  9. List institutes.
  10. Retrieve an institutes with given id.
  11. Update an institute.
  12. Partial update of an institute.
  13. Delete an institute with given id.

Setting the default format

You can set the test request default format by adding a TEST_REQUEST_DEFAULT_FORMAT key in REST_FRAMEWORK cofig. dictionary in your reviewapp/settings.py


Run Test Cases

python manage.py test


There are multiple ways to call the API, such as postman, curl, httpie.


  • Install the postman
sudo snap install postman
  • Start the django server
python manage.py runserver
  • Select request type, Set headers and send request

postman screen


  • Install httpie using pip
pip install httpie
  • Start the django server
python manage.py runserver
  • Access API -
http "Authorization: Token 39643b8bec57a7288ff4b68ce7199c9398ae7699"
  • Response:
    "id": 2,
    "institute_name": "COEP",
    "address": "shivaji nagar pune",
    "pin_code": 411005,
    "office_mail": "coep@ceop.com",
    "phone_number": null,
    "website": null,
    "institute_type": "GO", 
    "founded_in": null,
    "affiliated_to": null,
    "approved_by": null,
    "owner": 1


  • Install curl
sudo apt install curl
  • Start the django server
python manage.py runserver
  • Access API using curl
curl -H 'Authorization: Token 39643b8bec57a7288ff4b68ce7199c9398ae7699'
  • Response
{"count":2,"next":null,"previous":null,"results":[{"id":2,"institute_name":"AISSMSIOIT","address":"shivaji nagar pune","pin_code":411005,"office_mail":"coep@ceop.com","phone_number":null,"website":null,"institute_type":"GO","founded_in":null,"affiliated_to":null,"approved_by":null,"owner":1},{"id":4,"institute_name":"PICT","address":"pune","pin_code":null,"office_mail":null,"phone_number":null,"website":null,"institute_type":"GO","founded_in":null,"affiliated_to":null,"approved_by":null,"owner":1}]}

Note - Authorization token is required as we are using token based authentication.