
Koa boilerplate with essentials

Primary LanguageJavaScript


** Conviva Hackathon 2020 **

Backend API server for Eva (bot) and Web application (Pulse simulator and Admin dashboard). Stack: Koa + essental middlewares Apollo Graphql Sqlite3 hosted on glitch: https://kain-server.glitch.me/

Also serves as a barebone boilerplate for poc projects/hackathons.


  • helmet - security headers
  • CORS
  • body parser
  • access logs
  • routing
  • knex - migrations and seeds, cursor on context, sqlite3 example
  • grahql - queries and mutations
  • sqlite3 database
  • node-schedule for scheduling


clone repo

 yarn install

 // for development
 yarn dev

 // for production
 yarn start

Runs with nodemon on dev


  • create a folder .data in the root folder for sequelize to create db files
  • Use SQLite extension in vs code or DB Browser for sqlite to view the tables, fields and data.

knex snippets

// migrations
 yarn run knex migrate:make broadcasts
 yarn run knex migrate:latest

// seeds
 yarn run knex seed:make broadcasts
 yarn run knex seed:run

sample routes

Import insomina/postman file api_samples for examples

GET  / - hello world
GET  /health - health check

use prefix - 'api/v1' for all below API's

# template apis
GET  /broadcasts - list of messages
GET  /broadcasts/err - throws an error

GET  /user/:conversationId - returns matching user profile
GET  /user/all - all users
POST /user - adds new user
POST /user/:conversationId  - update user meta data
GET  /user/:conversationId/alerts - returns all alerts for the user

GET  /alert/all - all alerts
GET  /alert/:alertId - alert by id
POST /alert -  adds a new alert

/graphql contains multiple queries, use schema inspector/insomnia file for more info
- broadcasts list, broadcast by id and add broadcast
- users list
- audit logs


  • Dockerfile