
iMessage clone, an application program created by using Modern Redux principle in react where an authenticated user can create his/her channel and can chat with all.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

####### iMessage Clone #########################

iMessage Clone, is a real time chatting application where the authenticated user can create their own channel and can chat with their friends. Its the clone that gives the same experience of the real iMessage chat.

############### Libraries file or tools used in this project ###################

  1. React js
  2. Modern Redux
  3. Firebase
  4. Material ui

################## NPM Dependencies used to create this project in code ################

  1. npx create-react-app nameOfProject --template redux
  2. npm i firebase
  3. npm install -g firebase-tools
  4. npm install @material-ui/core
  5. npm install @material-ui/icons
  6. npm install react-flip-move
  7. npm install 'timeago.js'

################## Thank You Keep on Coding #####################