
Many pathfinding algorithm

Primary LanguageC#


Many pathfinding algorithm


  • 【Data Structure】

    • Grid
    • Navmesh
    • Visibility Graph
      • CircleVisibilityGraph
  • 【Basic】

    • A*
    • BFS
    • Dijkstra
  • 【Bidirectional Search】

    • Bidirection A*
  • 【Any-Angle Search】

    • Theta*
      • Lazy Theta*
  • 【Incremental Search】

    • D*
    • LPA*
    • D* Lite
    • Path Adaptive A*
    • Tree Adaptive A*
    • 【Moving Target】
      • Generalized Adaptive A* (GAA*)
      • Generalized Fringe-Retrieving A* (G-FRA*)
      • Moving Target D* Lite (MT-D* Lite)
  • 【Hierarchical Search】

    • HPA*
  • 【Other Search】

    • Flow Field
    • Jump Point Search
      • JPS Plus

How to play

Choose scene

  • [HPA] scene for HPA* algorithm, press space key to run the algorithm.
  • [Pathfinding] scene for other search algorithm, select GameObject [Search], choose algorithm in Inspector, press space key to run the algorithm.
  • [FlowField] scene for flowfield algorithm, you can see the result immediately without any operation.

Handle grid

  • You can drag the start and goal node
  • Left click can add obstacle
  • Right click can remove obstacle


Github PathFinding.js

Github HierarchicalPathfinder