
Custom Visual Studio Code Theme Extension Pack

MIT LicenseMIT

🎉💖 Maron Themes for VS Code.

🪂 Bring new look and feel to your Visual Studio Code 🤩

This is a pack of themes that contains consistent highlighting and better UI Look n' Feel motion for coding and markdown editing.
Each theme uses no or less italics, underscores, bold, etcetera, leaving only what needed for semantic purposes (except for newly custom "operator" labeled themes, which contain italicizations).

I designed all themes to be compatible with blur or window transparency effects that you can get using vibrancy or vscode-blur-linux (makes the vscode background blurry in KDE Plasma linux distros).

🪁 Learn more in this comprehensive (and funny) changelog.

Feel free to use, reuse and fork.
Get the source code here: https://github.com/KainNhantumbo/maron-themes

Also, you can install this awesome theme pack through the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

This project is currently receiving updates and patches so you don't really want to miss out!

🪁 Just a slice of 28 colorful theme flavors! I bet you will like it.

Maron Soul Reaper! (ORIGINAL PALETTE)

Maron Origins Pro! (ORIGINAL PALETTE)

Maron Solarized Planets! (SOLARIZED PALETTE)

🚀 Installation

👏 Launch Quick Open:

  • Linux Ctrl+P
  • macOS ⌘P
  • Windows Ctrl+P

Then paste the following command and press Enter:

ext install KainNhantumbo.maron-themes

👏 To Activate theme, launch Quick Open:

  • Linux Ctrl + Shift + P
  • macOS ⌘ + Shift + P
  • Windows Ctrl + Shift + P

Type theme, choose Preferences: Color Theme, and select one of the Maron Themes variants from the list. Well done!

⛵ Override Theme Colors

You can override the Maron Themes and schemes colors by adding theme-specific settings to your configuration. For advanced customisation please check the relative section on the VS Code documentation.

Recommended settings I use for better experience:

  // Controls the font family (you can get those on https://nerdfonts.com).
  "editor.fontFamily": "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono, IBM Plex Mono, Geist Mono",
  // Controls the line height. Use 0 to compute the lineHeight from the fontSize.
  "editor.lineHeight": 24,
  // Enables font ligatures
  "editor.fontLigatures": false,
  // cursor customizations
  "editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
  "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": "on",
  "terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "block",
  "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
  "editor.cursorStyle": "block"

Since version 1.6.0, tab bar color position changed to bottom instead of the top. If you prefer the 'old style', add the these lines below to your editor configuration file:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    // you can change this color to whatever you want
   "tab.activeBorderTop": "#ffffff80",
    // leave "as is" here to maintain bottom color invisible
   "tab.activeBorder": "#00000000"

🥳 Credits

I like to express my "Special Thanks" to:
All contributors that this extension is based with, it would not be what it is without them.

🦄 Inspiration

Something's missing? Create Issues so that I can make the each theme compatible as possible! ❤️ ;)

☘️ Find me!

E-mail: nhantumbok@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/KainNhantumbo
Portfolio: https://codenut-dev.vercel.app/en
My Blog: https://codenut-dev.vercel.app/en/blog

If you like this project, let me know by leaving a star on this repository so I can keep improving this extension.😊😘

Best regards, Kain Nhantumbo.
✌️🇲🇿 Made for Visual Studio Code

🎒 Changelog

See all changes documented on this awesome changelog right here.

📜 License

This theme pack extension is released under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2024 Kain Nhantumbo.

Refer to the notice file for more information.