
This is the repository for the VOID Mozambique test.
Please follow the instructions below for the local setup and build.

🐾 Project Stack (and main packages)

  • React.JS - library used to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript.
  • Typescript - a superset language of Javascript that provides typechecking.
  • Tailwind CSS - for component styling.
  • Vite - a next generation frontend tooling.

🏗️ Local Setup

Make sure you have installed Node.js (v20.11.0 or later recommended) which also comes with npm v10.2.4.
In the project directory, you can run in terminal:

  • Runs the app in the development mode and the server will reload when you make changes to the source code for the render and electron scripts:
npm ci && npm run dev
  • Builds the web version of the app for production to the dist folder:
npm run build

The app is served on https://localhost:3000

☘️ Find me!

E-mail: nhantumbok@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/KainNhantumbo
Portfolio: https://codenut-dev.vercel.app
My Blog: https://codenut-dev.vercel.app/en/blog

If you like this project, let me know by leaving a star on this repository so I can keep improving this app or send support!😊😘

Best regards, Kain Nhantumbo.
✌️🇲🇿 Made with ❤ plus React + Vite and Typescript