
ColorMe plugin for CraftBukkit/Minecraft

Primary LanguageJava


My fifth plugin which is the sister to Prefixer. It adds color to a player's
name in the chat window.


This is another small plugin that allows OPs to give players a custom prefix.

So if I send "Hello" with the prefix of "Admin", it looks like:
[Admin] <Valrix> Hello

To set the prefix just use the /prefix command. For example, let's give me the
"Admin" prefix:

/prefix Valrix Admin

This is the README of ColorMe!
For support visit the old forum thread: http://bit.ly/colormebukkit
or the new dev.bukkit.org page: http://bit.ly/bukkitdevcolorme
Thanks to Valrix for the original plugin!
Thanks for using!

This plugin sends usage statistics! If you wish to disable the usage stats, look at plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml!
This plugin is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.

This plugin supports economy! Required is Vault, if you want to use economy!
Additionally support for Spout to change the color of the player title.
Even TagAPI is supported to change the name above the head!

Standard config:

# For help please refer to http://bit.ly/colormebukkit or http://bit.ly/bukkitdevcolorme
# If economy is enabled, the values below are charged. Set them to 0 to make it free. Remember the free permissions!
  color: 5.0
  prefix: 5.0
  suffix: 5.0
# Should Prefixer be enabled?
Prefixer: true
# Should Suffixer be enabled?
Suffixer: true
  # The display name is used in chat
  displayName: true
  # Tab list can cause auto complete problems...
  tabList: false
  # If Spout is enabled color the name above the head?
  playerTitle: false
  # Also possible with the TagAPI!
  playerTitleWithoutSpout: true
  # Should colors on signs be enabled?
  signColors: true
  # Can the chat message contain colors?
  chatColors: true
# Define which colors are enabled
  black: true
  dark_blue: true
  dark_green: true
  dark_aqua: true
  dark_red: true
  dark_purple: true
  gold: true
  gray: true
  dark_gray: true
  blue: true
  green: true
  aqua: true
  red: true
  light_purple: true
  yellow: true
  white: true
  magic: true
  random: true
  rainbow: true
  bold: true
  strikethrough: true
  underline: true
  italic: true
  custom: true
  mixed: true
# The global default values, if a player has nothing and the group, too
  prefix: ''
  suffix: ''
  color: ''
# Clears the empty lines out of the config
updateConfig: false
# Show the '<' and '>' brackets
chatBrackets: true
# How long can a prefix/suffix be? (Without colors)
    max: 16
    min: 3
    max: 16
    min: 3
# Creates an extra log file. Helps to find bugs.
debug: false
# Should the player receive a new color on join?
newColorOnJoin: false
# Always, regardless if the player got own, display the global suffix/prefix?
  globalSuffix: false
  globalPefix: false
# Prevent some words in prefixes/suffixes?
useWordBlacklist: true
# Use groups or not. Own system or PEX, bPerms or GroupManager.
  enable: true
  ownSystem: true
# SoftMode -> doesn't alter the chat. Ability to add own plugin.
  enabled: true
  ownChatPlugin: Herochat
# Should the chat be automatic colored if the permission colorme.autochatcolor.<color> is given?
autoChatColor: false
# Removes the name above the head. Warning: breaks your skin
removeNameAboveHead: false
# Should the old system be used or the new individual formatting?
useLegacyFormat: false
format: '[GlobalPrefix]&r[GroupPrefix]&r[Prefix]&r<[name]&r>[Suffix]&r[GroupSuffix]&r[GlobalSuffix]&r: [message]'
factionsSupport: true

Commands & Permissions (if no permissions system is detected, only OPs are able to use the commands!)
Only bukkit's permissions system is supported!

<> = Required, [] = Optional


/color list
Node: colorme.list or prefixer.list or suffixer.list
Description: Displays the color list


/color reload
Node: colorme.reload
Description: Reloads the config

/color help
Description: Displays the help

/color remove <name> [world]
Node: colorme.remove
Description: Removes color ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/color remove global
Node: colorme.global
Description: Removes the global color

/color get <name> [world]
Node: colorme.get
Description: Gets actual color ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/color get global
Node: colorme.global
Description: Gets the global color

/color me <color> [world]
Node: colorme.self.<color>
Node: colorme.free -> No costs
Description: Sets your own color (no world -> default)

/color <name> <color> [world]
Node: colorme.other
Description: Sets color for an other player (no world -> default)

/color global <color>
Node: colorme.global
Description: Sets the global color

Node: colorme.sign
Description: Allows coloring of signs

Node: colorme.chat
Description: Allows coloring of the chat

Node: colorme.autochatcolor.<color>
Description: Allows auto coloring of the text in the given color


/prefix reload
Node: prefixer.reload
Description: Reloads the config

/prefix help
Description: Displays the help

/prefix remove <name> [world]
Node: prefixer.remove
Description: Removes a prefix ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/prefix remove global
Node: prefixer.global
Description: Removes the global prefix

/prefix get <name> [world]
Node: prefixer.get
Description: Gets actual prefix ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/prefix get global
Node: prefixer.global
Description: Gets the global prefix

/prefix me <prefix> [world]
Node: prefixer.self
Node: prefixer.free -> No costs
Description: Sets your own prefix (no world -> default)

/prefix <name> <prefix> [world]
Node: prefixer.other
Description: Sets prefix for an other player (no world -> default)

/prefix global <prefix>
Node: prefixer.global
Description: Sets the global prefix

Node: prefixer.nofilter
Description: Allows using of words which are on the blacklist


/suffix reload
Node: suffixer.reload
Description: Reloads the config

/suffix help
Description: Displays the help

/suffix remove <name> [world]
Node: suffixer.remove
Description: Removes a suffix ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/suffix remove global
Node: suffixer.global
Description: Removes the global suffix

/suffix get <name> [world]
Node: suffixer.get
Description: Gets actual suffix ("me" as the name -> yourself)

/suffix get global
Node: suffixer.global
Description: Gets the global suffix

/suffix me <suffix> [world]
Node: suffixer.self
Node: suffixer.free -> No costs
Description: Sets your own suffix (no world -> default)

/suffix <name> <suffix> [world]
Node: suffixer.other
Description: Sets suffix for an other player (no world -> default)

/suffix global <suffix>
Node: suffixer.global
Description: Sets the global suffix

Node: suffixer.nofilter
Description: Allows using of words which are on the blacklist