
This is a little automation with WinAppDriver and the framework MSTest.

Primary LanguageC#


This is a little automation with WinAppDriver and the framework MSTest using Page Objects.

Project settings:

  • .NET Core 4.7.2;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
  • WinAppDriver v1.2.1
  • WinAppDriver UI Recorder v1.1
  • Appium Server GUI windows v1.15.1


 public PageObject(WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> element, string propertyElement, string uriDriver)
            if(element == null)
                appOptions = new AppiumOptions();
                appOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("app", propertyElement);
                _element = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(uriDriver), appOptions);
                _element = element;
  • Create two class, AlarmPage and CalculatorPage, that inherit PageObject:
 class AlarmPage : PageObject
        public AlarmPage() : base(null, "Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App", "")
            // PageObject(WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> element, string propertyElement, string uriDriver)
 class CalculatorPage : PageObject
        public CalculatorPage() : base(null, "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App", "")
            // PageObject(WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> element, string propertyElement, string uriDriver)
  • In the folder "\bin\debug" open vs terminal and digit: vstest.console.exe <MSTestOverview.dll> /logger:trx to see test results.
  • Output terminal:
Ferramenta de Linha de Comando de Execução de Teste da Microsoft (R) Versão 16.11.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

Iniciando execução de teste, espere...
1 arquivos de teste no total corresponderam ao padrão especificado.
  Aprovado TestMethodSum [2 s]
  Aprovado TestMethodMinus [2 s]
  Aprovado AddNewTimer [12 s]
  Aprovado AddNewTimer (04,031,028) [4 s]
  Aprovado AddNewTimer (08,010,029) [4 s]
  Aprovado AddNewTimer (14,033,015) [4 s]
  Aprovado EditingSecondItemTimer [3 s]
  Aprovado ExcluingSecondItemTimer [2 s]
  Aprovado AddNewAlarm [6 s]
  Aprovado AddWorldClock [5 s]
  Aprovado DeleteWorldClock [2 s]
Arquivo de resultados: C:\Users\Usuario\source\repos\MSTestOverview\MSTestOverview\bin\Debug\TestResults\Usuario_DESKTOP-AF03160_2022-01-21_18_37_42.trx

Execução de Teste Bem-sucedida.
Total de testes: 10
     Aprovados: 10
Tempo total: 38,1124 Segundos

Study source: