
:package: A Observable-based wrapper implementation that exposes all of Kairos' SMS APIs making integration into your backend for sending SMS easier and faster

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Kairos Bulk SMS Node

Dev Status CI Status Tests codecov.io Node License

A Observable-based wrapper implementation that exposes all of Kairos' SMS APIs making integration into your backend for sending SMS easier and faster

Table Of Contents


  • Send Quick SMS
  • Send Bulk SMS
  • Ping the status of an already sent SMS
  • Check your account balance
  • Provides method chaining under-the-hood
  • Supports typescript from the get-go
  • Unsubscribed to method calls with the unsubscribe() method from rxjs


Quickly use the package by running either of the below commands

Using npm:

npm i @kairosafrika/sms

or Using yarn:

yarn add @kairosafrika/sms

Request Structure

Find the request structure when making an API request for Quick SMS.

    "to": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "from": "KAIROS",
    "message": "this is a test message"

Find the request structure when making an API request for Quick SMS with multiple phone numbers or msisdns.

    "to": "233200746423,23094990599",
    "from": "KAIROS",
    "message": "this is a test message"

Find the request structure when making an API request for Bulk SMS.

  "messages": [
      "to": "233200746417",
      "from": "Kairos Test",
      "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
      "type": "Quick"

Note: type is optional but accepts only two values; Quick & Flash

Response Structure

Find the response structure when a successful or failed response is returned.

200 OK

  "statusMessage": "SMS scheduled successfully",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "success": true,
  "data":  true,
  "timestamp": "2022-04-21T06:46:22.983Z"

400 Bad Request

  "statusMessage": "Invalid path params passed",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "success": true,
  "data":  { 
    "message": "URl accept the id of sent message"
  "timestamp": "2022-04-21T06:46:22.983Z"


Note: This package is implemented in typescript hence no need to install typings

// importing the package as a default
import KairosSMS from "@kairosafrika/sms";


import { KairosSMS } from "@kairosafrika/sms"

Sending a quick SMS

    .send({ apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxx', apiSecret: 'xxxxxxx', timeout: 90000}, {to: "xxxxxxxxxxx", from: "kairos", message: "this is a test message"})
    .subscribe(response => {
        // handle response 

Sending a bulk SMS

    .send({apiKey: 'xxxxxxxx', apiSecret: 'xxxxxxxx', timeout: 90000},{
        "messages": [
                "to": "233200746417",
                "from": "Kairos Test",
                "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
                "type": "Quick"
    .subscribe(response => {
        // handle response

NOTE: Kairos SMS package also exposes an independent function that allows you to convert Observables to Promises to use async/await

import { asPromise } from "@kairos/sms";
// always don't forget to append `async` if the function is created as found below
async function sendSMS() {
    const response = await asPromise(
        .send({ apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxx', apiSecret: 'xxxxxxx', timeout: 90000}, {to: "xxxxxxxxxxx", from: "kairos", message: "this is a test message"})

Kairos SMS API

Requests can be made by passing the relevant configs to KairosSMS.create()

Creating an instance

You can create an instance of KairosSMS with the relevant configs


const instance = KairosSMS.create({ 
    apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', 
    apiSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxx', 
    timeout: 800000

Instance Methods

There are two main available instance methods that exposes send methods and check balance methods, This includes

Method description
send(data) called when you want to send sms or check the current status of an already sent sms
account() called when you want to check the account balance
contacts() called when you want to GET,PATCH,DELETE contact details associated with an account


After you've created the instance, you can then call the send(data) method,

const response = instance.send(data)

Which exposes all the necessary methods below


This method allows customer to send same message to multiple msisdns or phone numbers by using a comma separated values for the to property in the request object at Request Structure



    .subscribe(data => {
        // handle response here

This method is a bit different because it accepts the id of the sent sms instead of an object to make the request. Hence, something like so

    .subscribe(response => {
        // handle response here


After you've created the instance, you can then call the account() method,

const response = instance.account()

Which exposes the method below


Get current user balance with this

    .subscribe(response => {
        // handle response here


Contacts method also exposes a handful of functions that to allow you to GET,PATCH, POST contacts to your accounts

HTTP Verb Methods Descriptions Active
GET setPage(), setSize(), asList() Get a paginated list of all your contacts ✔️
POST create() Create a new contact by calling the create() method ✔️
GET details() Get the details of a particular contact ✔️
PUT update(id) Update the details of a contact ✔️
DELETE delete(id) Delete a contact details ✔️

The contacts() method accept an optional options parameter of type IContactsOptions which is of the format

interface IContactsOptions {
    paginate: {
        page: number;
        size: number;
    body: {
        name: string;
        phone: string;
        dateOfBirth?: string
List All Contacts

Get a paginated list of your contacts from the Kairos Afrika Bulk SMS Platform by calling asList()

Example #1

Make a request by passing page and size directly to the contacts() method

         paginate: {
             page: 1,
             size: 15
     .subscribe(response => {
         //handle repsonse here
Example #2

Make a request by performing method chaining

      .asList().subscribe(response => {
          // handle response here

Make a request by passing configs and optional options to the static contacts() method

Options - the current page and the total size to show per page

    page: 1, 
    size: 15
Example #3
const response = KairosSMS
    .contacts(configs, {
        paginate: {
            page: 1, 
            size: 15
    .subscribe(response => {
    //handle response here

NB. calling setPage & setSize overrides what's been set as the static contacts method.

Create A Contact

Create a new contact via Kairos SMS API by calling either of these two procedures

Example #1

Create an instance of the Kairos SMS that exposes the contacts() method and then pass the body of the contact to be created directly to that method

const instance = KairosSMS.create([config])
const response$ = instance.contacts({
    body: {
        name: "Jane Doe",
        phone: "0203746417",
        dateOfBirth: null
response$.subscribe(data => {
    // handle response here
Example #2

You can also pass the body of the contact to be created directly to the create method that's exposed by the contacts() method.

const response$ = instance.contacts().create({
    name: "Jane Doe",
    phone: "0203746417",
    dateOfBirth: "2022-01-01"
response$.subscribe(data => {
    // handle response here
Get a Contact Details

Get the details of a particular contact by passing the id as a parameter

Example #1
const response$ = instance.contacts().details(12)
response$.subscribe((data) => {
    // handle response here
Update a Contact

Update the details of a contact by passing the contact id and the payload as a parameter

Example #1

Pass the payload or the request body as a part of the contacts() method and then the contactId as a parameter to the update(id) chained method.

const response$ = instance.contacts({
    body: {
        name: "Jane Doe",
        phone: "0203746417",
        dateOfBirth: null
response$.subscribe(data => {
    // handle response here
Example #2

You can also pass both the request payload and the id as parameters to the update() method

const response$ = instance.contacts().update(12,
        name: "Jane Doe",
        phone: "0203746417",
        dateOfBirth: null
response$.subscribe(data => {
    // handle response here
Delete A Contact

Remove a specific contact from your contact list by passing the contactId as a parameter to delete(id) exposed by the contacts() method

Example #1
const response$ = instance.contacts().delete(12)
response$.subscribe((data) => {
    // handle response here

Note that the contact method is also exposed as a static method which can be accessed by doing this

import {KairosSMS} from "@kairosafrika/sms"
        apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
        apiSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
     }, {
        body: {
          name: "Jane Doe",
          phone: "0203746417",
          dateOfBirth: null
     }).create().subscribe(data => {
        // handle response here

NB. Don't forget that the instance you'll create will contain the apiKey & apiSecret with an optional timeout


Kairos SMS Node is heavily inspired by axios
