
Simple web-based RSS feed reader.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Simple web-based RSS feed reader.


Table of contents

Upgrade notices

Upgrading from 2.* to 3.*

During the migration process all values of the columns content and raw_json of the feed_items table are being copied to a new table feed_item_details and then deleted from the feed_items table.

The migration process might take a while, depending on how many feed items are present.

Please make a backup copy of the feed_items table.

No other breaking changes were introduced.

Upgrading from 1.8.* to 2.0.*

During the migration process all entries of the feed_item_feed_item_category table are being deleted. If you want to keep the data please export them as SQL statements first, so you can re-import them after migration is finished.


  1. Download the latest release: https://github.com/Kaishiyoku/Crystal-RSS/releases/latest
  2. remove the php artisan ide-helper commands from the composer.json file
  3. run composer install --no-dev --no-scripts (if you're installing under Windows add the --ignore-platform-reqs flag due to the use of Laravel Horizon which is incompatible with Windows)
  4. run php artisan migrate
  5. run npm install
  6. run npm run prod
  7. copy the .env.example file and fill in the necessary values:
    @php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\"
  8. Setup the cronjob for the scheduler commands:
$ sudo crontab -e -u www-data

Add the cronjob (please adjust the path if necessary):

* * * * * php /var/www/html/crystal-rss/artisan schedule:run >> /var/www/html/crystal-rss/storage/logs/scheduler.log 2>&1



Feed with items Search
Statistics Article details


MIT (https://github.com/Kaishiyoku/Crystal-RSS/blob/master/LICENSE)


Twitter: @kaishiyoku
Website: www.andreas-wiedel.de