A simple LDAP SSO for nginx, written in Lua
- Nginx-extras from Debian wheezy-backports
- lua-json
- lua-ldap
- Nginx "Openresty" flavored : http://openresty.org/
- lua-ldap
- Fetch the repository
git clone https://github.com/Kloadut/SSOwat /etc/ssowat
- Add SSOwat's Nginx configuration (
nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssowat.conf
lua_shared_dict cache 10m;
init_by_lua_file /etc/ssowat/init.lua;
access_by_lua_file /etc/ssowat/access.lua;
You can also put the access_by_lua_file
directive in a server{}
scope if you want to protect only a vhost.
nano /etc/ssowat/conf.json
If you use YunoHost, you may want to edit the /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent
file, since the /etc/ssowat/conf.json
will often be overwritten.
These are the SSOwat's configuration parameters. Only the first one is required, but it is recommended to know the others to fully understand what you can do with SSOwat.
Domain of the authentication portal. It has to be a domain, IP addresses will not work with SSOwat (Required)
URI of the authentication portal (default: /ssowat
Web port of the authentication portal (default: 443
Whether authentication should use secure connection or not (default: https
List of handle domains (default: similar to portal_domain
LDAP server hostname (default: localhost
LDAP group to search in (default: ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org
LDAP user identifier (default: uid
User's attributes to fetch from LDAP (default: ["uid", "givenname", "sn", "cn", "homedirectory", "mail", "maildrop"]
Whether users can authenticate with their mail address (default: true
URI argument to use for cross-domain authentication (default: sso_login
Array of additionnal HTTP headers to set once user is authenticated (default: { "Remote-User": "uid" }
The session expiracy time limit in seconds, since the last connection (default: 86400
/ one day)
The session expiracy time limit in seconds (default: 604800
/ one week)
List of priorily protected URLs and/or URIs (by default, every URL is protected)
List of regular expressions to be matched against URLs and URIs to protect them
List of URLs and/or URIs that will not be affected by SSOwat
List of regular expressions to be matched against URLs and URIs to ignore them
List of URLs and/or URIs that will not be affected by SSOwat unless user is authenticated
List of regular expressions to be matched against URLs and URIs to ignore them unless user is authenticated
Array of URLs and/or URIs to redirect and their redirect URI/URL (example: { "/": "example.org/subpath" }
Array of regular expressions to be matched against URLS and URIs and their redirect URI/URL (example: { "example.org/megusta$": "example.org/subpath" }
2-level array containing usernames and their allowed URLs along with an App name (example: { "kload": { "kload.fr/myapp/": "My App" } }
Language code used by default in views (default: en