Stripe (native) Build Status

Implementing the Stripe API natively in Meteor, no need for wrapAsync. Built in ability to handle webhooks from Stripe however you want to.

This package also includes Stripe.js and Stripe Checkout. See bottom of readme under "Client"

See full docs at but note some differences

Improved version of benick:stripe-native


Using Meteor's Package System:

$ meteor add allerion:stripe-native


  • NPM

    • body-parser
  • Atmosphere

    • meteorhacks:picker
    • http
    • templating

Implemented methods

  • Charges
  • Refunds
  • Customers
  • Cards
  • Subscriptions (missing tests)
  • Plans
  • Coupons
  • Discounts (missing tests)
  • Application fees (missing tests)
  • Account (need more tests)
  • Tokens
  • Invoices (missing tests)

Differences with the node module

No callbacks

For example:


  charge: function (token) {
    check(token, String);

    try {
      var result = Stripe.charges.create({
        amount: 400,
        currency: 'sek',
        description: "Imma chargin' mah lazer"

      // do something with result, save to db maybe?

      return true;
    catch {
      throw new Meteor.Error('payment-failed', 'The payment failed');

client-side'charge', token, function (error, result) {

Stripe secret key is read from the environment variable STRIPE_SECRET

Stripe.secretKey = process.env.STRIPE_SECRET + ':null';

HTTP doesn't parse params correct, so nested objects is a bit special:


var Stripe = require("stripe")(
);"25OFF", {
  metadata: {key: "value"}

meteor-stripe-native:"25OFF", {
  'metadata[key]': 'value'


Stripe.js is now loaded directly from and this happens after all other Meteor scripts are loaded. As such, the Stripe variable is not immediately available for use so instead, calls need to be deferred until after your Meteor app has started, like so:

Meteor.startup(function() {

The same goes for Stripe Checkout, too:

Meteor.startup(function() {
    var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
    token: function(token) {}


The package depends on meteorhacks:picker package and npm body-parser. All current available webhooks from Stripe are included by default. They are:

  • account.external_account.created
  • account.external_account.deleted
  • account.external_account.updated
  • account.updated
  • balance.available
  • charge.captured
  • charge.dispute.closed
  • charge.dispute.created
  • charge.dispute.funds_reinstated
  • charge.dispute.funds_withdrawn
  • charge.dispute.updated
  • charge.failed
  • charge.pending
  • charge.refund.updated
  • charge.refunded
  • charge.succeeded
  • charge.updated
  • coupon.created
  • coupon.deleted
  • coupon.updated
  • customer.bank_account.deleted
  • customer.created
  • customer.deleted
  • customer.source.created
  • customer.source.deleted
  • customer.source.expiring
  • customer.source.updated
  • customer.subscription.created
  • customer.subscription.deleted
  • customer.subscription.trial_will_end
  • customer.subscription.updated
  • customer.updated
  • file.created
  • invoice.created
  • invoice.payment_failed
  • invoice.payment_succeeded
  • invoice.sent
  • invoice.upcoming
  • invoice.updated
  • invoiceitem.created
  • invoiceitem.deleted
  • invoiceitem.updated
  • order.created
  • order.payment_failed
  • order.payment_succeeded
  • order.updated
  • order_return.created
  • payout.canceled
  • payout.created
  • payout.failed
  • payout.paid
  • payout.updated
  • plan.created
  • plan.deleted
  • plan.updated
  • product.created
  • product.deleted
  • product.updated
  • recipient.created
  • recipient.deleted
  • recipient.updated
  • review.closed
  • review.opened
  • sigma.scheduled_query_run.created
  • sku.created
  • sku.deleted
  • sku.updated
  • source.canceled
  • source.chargeable
  • source.failed
  • source.transaction.created
  • transfer.created
  • transfer.reversed
  • transfer.updated

By default the package will not do anything for any webhook that comes in. You can override this behaviour by setting the relevant webhook(s) in the Stripe object to a specific function. This will only make any sense on the server since webhooks are server-side not client-side. It should be done inside a Meteor.startup call so that the Stripe object exists.


  Stripe.webhooks["plan.created"] = function(data){
    // Do your magic here


Or if you want to override multiples at the same time and you are using Underscore.js you can try something like this:


    "plan.created" : function(data){
      // Do your magic here
    "plan.deleted" : function(data){
      // Do your magic here




The code for the webhooks system comes from The Meteor Chef, but is slightly modified to reduce the codebase. Please read that tutorial to understand how it works, although you do not need to write any of the code mentioned in it to make the webhooks system work.