CS400 Grading Script

This is Kaiwei's implementation of CS400 grading script.


Folder structure:

# This is the testing code directory for the AVLTreeUnitTest written in Junit 5
 |- scr
 |  |- main/java    # This is where the student code will be placed
        | - UnitTestRunner.java # This is the main class which will launch the unit test
        | - TestResultListener.java # This is a listener for the test purpose
# This is the directory where we put all the submission files
# Unzip the large zip files downloading from the zybook and put all those zip files 
# for each student into this directory
 |- Kaiwei_Tu_ktu5wisc.edu_2020-09-21_18-22-46.zip # A sample submission zip file
 |- placeholder.log # A sample log file

# This is a python script which will automatically grade all the student submission
# in the <submission_dir> directory.
# Usage: python3 grade_script -i <submission_dir> -o <logs_dir> -g <csv_path> -t <tests_dir>
# <submission_dir> is where all the submission zip file stays.
# <logs_dir> is where all the grading log will be written to.
# <csv_path> is a csv generated by the script which contains all the student's grade
# <tests_dir> is where the test is 
# Sample: python3 grade_script.py -i submission -o result -t AVLTreeUnitTest -g grade.csv

# A script run as following
# ./runtest.sh RBTreeUnitTest
# python3 grade_script.py -i submission -o result -t RBTreeUnitTest -g grade.csv
# A generated result csv with following columns:
# Name, Email, Submission Timestamp, score, overall


Clone the repo and run the tests.

git clone git@github.com:Kaiweitu/CS400_Grading_Script.git
cd CS400_Grading_Script

# Copy all the submission zip files into the submission directory
